Perfect Journal Recording the International Joint Specialist’s Visit to Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital

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From September 11th to 15th, Prof. Siebert, Member of the Board of Paracelsus Hospital Group and Medical Director of Paracelsus Clinic at Hannover-Langenhagen as well as an internationally renowned joint expert, visited the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital as an international visiting professor and conducted a series of academic exchanges in the hospital, including outpatient clinics, ward rounds, surgical guidance, surgical practices, interdepartmental training, discussions on department management, discussions on key difficult cases, and masters' open classes.


Sharing state-of-the-art international medical concepts

On September 11th, CAO Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the CPC Party Committee of the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital, YUAN Qidong, Vice President of the hospital, other hospital leaders, as well as the heads of orthopedics, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and other related departments, held a welcome ceremony for Prof. Siebert, and had a discussion and exchange in the ceremony.




Prof. Siebert with CAO Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital


Capture of the Welcoming Ceremony for Prof. Siebert


After the welcome ceremony, accompanied by the leaders of the hospital, Prof. Siebert visited the Medical Exercise Centre, Orthopedic Department and OR.


Subsequently, Prof. Siebert and knee-preserving experts like Prof. SHA Yu from the Orthopedic Department of the hospital held a case discussion, in which they conducted in-depth discussion on different cases in terms of pre-op planning, surgical procedures and difficult points. Prof. Siebert also shared some of the advanced treatment concepts and surgical techniques in the international arena, as well as examined the complicated patients, asked about their conditions, and summarised the discussion further.



Prof. Siebert and Prof. SHA’s team conducting ward round


Outpatient Consultation for Difficult Cases on Joint

On September 12th, Prof. Siebert began his visiting activities in the department with outpatient consultation. In the morning, Prof. Siebert consulted with 16 patients in the outpatient clinic together with Prof. SHA. He carefully examined the patients and checked every single image, and most of the cases that Prof. Siebert consulted with were complicated ones. In the interval the outpatient consultation, Director SHA and Prof. Siebert explored the treatment ideas for the patients and provided safe and precise diagnosis and treatment plan for the patients.


Exploring diagnostic and treatment options


Sharing Insights on Scientific Research in Academic Seminar

In the afternoon of September 12th, Prof. Siebert held an academic seminar on interdepartmental management and talent training with Director SHA's team and other colleagues in the hospital. Director SHA gave a brief introduction of the department's construction and development. Prof. Siebert then shared his views and experiences on department management and talent cultivation over the past two decades. Director SHA's team and the teams from the Medical Exercise Centre and the Rehabilitation Centre then discussed the difficulties and priorities of the department's development with Prof. Siebert. who provided Director SHA with ideas for developing research projects, which will bring breakthroughs in the future scientific research projects of for the department.



Outpatient Clinic for Delivering Diagnostic and Treatment Experiences

In the morning of September 13th, Prof. Siebert conducted his second outpatient consultation in the East Campus of the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital and consulted with 12 patients. During the consultation, Prof. Siebert looked into the medical history of each patient, conducted a detailed physical check-up, and listened to the patients' complaints carefully.
During the clinic, Professor Siebert taught the young doctors that when examining the knee pain for patients, it is necessary to examine whether the knee pain is affected by hip joint pathology, so as to ensure accurate diagnosis and symptomatic treatment.


During the outpatient consultation, Director SHA received a banner from a follow-up patient, Director SHA then shared with Prof. Siebert the joy of helping orthopedic patients regain satisfying function in their joints.


In the afternoon, Prof. Siebert had an internal discussion with Director SHA's team on "Doctor-Patient Relationships in Different Cultures", discussing how to harmonise doctor-patient relationships in the current context so that they can better serve patients in Henan and from all over China. During the meeting, Prof Siebert shared how to relieve and treat patients with severe anxiety, which brought a lot of new ideas to Director SHA's orthopedic team and rehabilitation team.



Sawbone Training Class for Surgeons from Henan Province

On September 14th, Prof. Siebert came to the West Campus of the hospital and conducted his third outpatient consultation in perfect cooperation with Prof. SHA's team. Afterwards, Prof. Siebert returned to the East Hospital to discuss difficult cases with the Orthopedic Department and offered his suggestions on the diagnosis and treatment of complicated cases.


In the afternoon of September 14th, Prof. Siebert and Director SHA co-chaired the 28th Knee Preservation Workshop by Orthopedic Department of the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital and the Sino-German Joint Surgery Communication and Master Open Class.


For this training class, directors from some fellow units in Henan Province were invited and they attended the sawbone training for UKA and TKA, followed by practicing of the trainees themselves; Prof. Siebert instructed UKA training and Director SHA instructed TKA training and showed the trainees the key surgical procedures of the two operations.




The 28th Knee Preservation Workshop and the Sino-German Joint Surgery Communication and Master Open Class

In the morning of September 15th, the 28th Knee Preservation Workshop and the Sino-German Joint Surgery Communication and Master Open Class was successfully opened in the East Campus of the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital.


Prof. Siebert, CAO Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee, ZHOU Honggang, Assistant to the President of the hospital, and Chief Expert of Intervertebral Disc Centre, LIU Changming, Chief of Medical Department, MA Yajie, Chief of Science and Education Department, CHEN Aiyun, Head of the United Charity Association&Daojian Fund, SHA Yu, Director of Knee Preservation Centre, LIU Qiang, Director of Rehabilitation Department, and WANG Yuanxin, Department of Medicine and Sports of the hospital, as well as all the experts from the Department of Orthopedics, attended the meeting.


CAO Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee, mentioned in his speech that in recent years, the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital has conducted a great amount of work in the prevention and treatment of knee problems, and made some achievements through exploring various diagnosis and treatment methods, including the integration of "prevention, treatment and health care". The Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital has developed precise diagnostic and treatment solutions such as non-surgical sports rehabilitation, minimally invasive UKA, perioperative orthopedic rehabilitation, among the others. In recent years, the hospital has always attached great importance to the development and construction of disciplines, and has invited internationally renowned experts from Germany, France, Switzerland and other places to have academic exchanges, and continuously promoted the development of disciplines so that they can be in line with the international leading level. This time, they have invited Prof. Christian H. Siebert, a German expert in joint surgery, and during the exchanges with Prof. Siebert, they deeply impressed by Prof. Siebert's noble medical ethics and fine medical skills, and they said that Prof. Siebert has brought with himself so much precious experience in this academic visiting to their hospital.

Prof. Siebert, CAO Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee, YUAN Qidong, Vice President, and SHA Yu, Director of the Orthopedic Department, announced the establishment of the Sino-German Communication Centre for Joint Surgery.




Afterwards, Secretary CAO presented Prof. Siebert with a Letter of Appointment as Visiting Professor.

Prof. Siebert presented certificates to the speakers of the 3rd International Knee Day, Prof. SHA Yu, Dr YAN Lei and Dr YANG Kunpeng.


Issuance of certificates for 3rd IKD Event

Professor Siebert shared two lectures entitled Treatment algorithm for varus deformity of the knee and Why knee arthroplasties fail in the Master Open Class session. Prof. Siebert interacted with the guests around the key aspects of the concept of knee preservation surgery, indications, adequate communication with patients, preop planning, development of surgical protocols, posto pain management, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, prevention and control of infections as well as considerations for revisions.



Prof. Siebert, together with Director SHA, commented and gave guidance on two UKA live surgeries performed in the afternoon.



Part of the participants of the seminar took a photo together


Prof. Siebert expressed his pleasure and honour to be invited to visit the hospital. He was deeply impressed by the warm welcome he received from everyone at the hospital for his first visit to China. During the several days of exchange, he learnt about the efforts of the Henan No.3 Provincial People's Hospital in the digital construction of the hospital, the perfect facilities and advanced digital technology all provide help to patients. The knee preserving team of the hospital has been committed to the exploring minimally invasive treatment options for knee pathologies, and is becoming more and more experienced in performing knee replacements. He also expressed that Director SHA is responsible for the patients and has rich clinical experience. He hoped to learn more from the Chinese medicine and sports rehabilitation concepts of the hospital in future exchanges, and to promote these useful techniques to more regions, so as to contribute to the further the development of joint surgery at home and abroad.


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