
2023-07-17 15:34:49 广州仁医医疗 112



What kind of doctor is considered a good doctor and a top doctor? Good doctors refer to young doctors who are regarded as “rising stars”. Top doctors refer to “big shots” with great international influence. Over the last years, we interviewed more than 2000 doctors from hundreds of hospitals from 8 countries. To become a good doctor or a top doctor, being mentally stable and stress resistant is the first and foremost. Secondly is to break all kinds of large problems into tiny problems, with divide-and-conquer algorithm. Thirdly is to treat their parents, family, friends, and every co-workers sincerely and kindly. Only a person who treats their patients with utmost kindness can be a good doctor. Fourthly, it’s about one’s cognitive ability and mindset. Nowadays many doctors have wide gaps in cognition and mindset. They just repeat their daily routine of outpatient consultation and performing operations, never delving into the field of healthcare, without vision and crisis awareness. If they meet big problems, they just leave them unchecked. Most of them believe that they are the best in the world. They are born resistant to new ideas, have never thought about cultivating an excellent team of doctors, and even do not have the team spirit of working together with the nursing team. Last but not least, it’s your expertise in the field you specialize in. Which reflects in scientific outputs and clinical outcomes. This is the core competence of a doctor, and it also reflects in your influence among international colleagues. With all these mentioned above, you must have a top academic degree which is well acknowledged by the community. Such a degree opens the door of being a good doctor, even of being a top doctor. Doctors are working for career growth. Only having real good doctors and top doctors makes a Chinese hospital great.
