
2023-07-07 15:03:06 广州仁医医疗 63


6月28日下午,广西医学科学院·广西壮族自治区人民医院耳鼻喉头颈外科主任瞿申红教授携团队特邀德国哥廷根大学医疗中心耳鼻喉头颈外科主任Beutner教授共同召开中德耳鼻喉头颈外科视频会议。瞿教授致欢迎词后,Prof. Beutner就《部分听小骨重建术的发展》作专题演讲,他介绍道相比生物陶瓷、聚乙烯、塑料等材料比起来,钛制听骨更接近自身原有的听小骨,表现出了组织相容性好,质量轻,耐腐蚀,可塑形,极低的排异性,可与磁共振环境安全兼容(7.0T)等多种先进性,是目前可选用的最佳材料。随后他着重介绍两种其团队常用的钛制听骨假体,展示术中注意事项,并用其中耳研究团队研究的数据表明两种假体的安全性、稳定性及对听力重建的远期良好疗效。讨论环节中,瞿教授及其团队就人才培养、新假体在临床实践中的应用、听小骨疾病的诊疗策略等问题与Beutner教授进行交流。讨论环节后,瞿教授用英文作一例先天性听骨链畸形病例报告并就先天性听骨链畸形早期确诊、植入物的选择等问题与教授展开激烈讨论,现场气氛活跃。瞿教授整个团队非常年轻、优秀,全程用英语与Beutner教授进行交流。非常感谢瞿教授对本次会议的大力支持以及对耳鼻喉头颈外科事业的深切关怀,期待接下来有更深入的合作。

On the afternoon of June 28th, Prof. Qu Shenhong, Director of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery of Guangxi Academy of Medical Sciences, the People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, together with his team, invited Prof. Beutner, Director of ENT from University Medical Center of Göttingen, to jointly hold a Sino-German Webinar on ENT, Head and Neck Surgery. After a brief and warm welcome speech from Prof. Qu, Prof. Beutner gave a highlight talk titled Developments in Partial Ossicular Reconstruction. He introduced that compared with other alloplastic materials, eg. Ceramics, plastics and polyethylen, the titanium implants are more comparable to the autogenous ossicles, are superior in bio-compatibility, weight, formability and are MRI Conditional up to 7.0 Tesla, which is the optimal choice available. Then he elaborated two titanium implants, with intraoperative tips and tricks, and proved the safety, stability, and hearing results of the two implants with data from their inner ear lab. During the discussion session, Prof. Qu and his team discuss with Prof. Beutner on talent cultivation, clinical application of new prosthesis, After that Prof. Qu gave a case report on congenital ossicular chain malformations, and had a heated discussion with Prof. Beutner on the early detection and selection of implant of congenital ossicular chain malformations. The team led by Prof. Qu is young and motivated, and is fluent in English for international exchanges. Special thanks go to Prof. Qu for his great support to the webinar and deep concern for the field of ENT, head and neck surgery. Look forward to further cooperation.
