Fellow Program of Sporthopedicum in Straubing

2023-05-08 10:47:14 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 78


大家好,我是Thore Zantop教授,我在德国施特劳宾运动医学医院任职,这个城市(施特劳宾)靠近慕尼黑。我在此表达自己对通过仁医医疗到访我院参与访学计划或者MD计划的医生表示热烈欢迎。我本人是一位膝关节外科和关节镜专家。擅长进行运动医学的微创外科治疗。我的手术集中在ACL重建、PCL重建还有这两类交叉韧带重建手术失败翻修治疗。我也借此机会感谢仁医医疗以及Juin Peng,让我有幸加入你们的大家庭,参与你们的培育中国医生的项目。我非常乐意加入你们,给中国医生传授德国运动医学外科的相关经验,也非常希望我们能借此机会互相学习。我对你们的文化也非常感兴趣,也很想了解你们如何用外科手段处理相关病症,同时我也想向你们传授德国相关经验,比如我们是如何治疗运动员,给他们进行ACL重建,诸如此类。所以,如果你对此交流项目感兴趣,也在寻求去德国进行访学或是想要进手术室与我一起学习的话,请随时联系仁医医疗。仁医医疗提供这样的平台,让我有机会与中国医生交流,我也非常开心,希望能在德国与你们面对面交流,我们可以在访学期间通过会议、手术等形式交流。我在德国向你们致以结束问候,希望你们身体健康。

Hello everyone. My name is Prof. Thore Zantop, and I work at the Sporthopedicum in Straubing, which is a city close to Munich in Germany. I would like to welcome all of you of the Gloryren family to join me during a fellowship or MD program. I'm a specialist in knee surgery and arthroscopy. I'm specialized in minimal invasive surgery of Sports Medicine. And I do a lot of ACL reconstruction, PCL reconstruction and revision cases of failed ACL and PCL reconstruction. I would like to thank the Gloryren family, as well as Juin Peng for allowing me to join your family and to be part of the education program that you have for your doctors back in China. I'm highly interested in joining you and sharing the knowledge that we do have in Germany, to have the possibility to gain and learn from each other. I'm interested in your culture, in your way to approach surgical problems, and I would like to teach you how our perspective is, and how would we treat ACL reconstructions in the athletes. So do not hesitate to contact Gloryren and directly to ask for a fellowship program together with me in Germany, or just come by to join me during my surgeries. I'm very happy to have this opportunity and hope to see you soon on meetings that we share in Germany or in my OR for the fellowship or visiting program the Gloryren is offering to the surgeons associated with them. I say good bye from Germany, and hope that you all stay healthy.


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