
2022-06-02 16:42:50 广州仁医医疗 169





It seems that many hospital presidents and chiefs are super busy everyday, but actually, they themselves even don’t know what they are busy for. For the last decades, crowds of patients troop in everyday as soon as the hospitals open. This is the dividend brought to them by the imbalance between supply and demand in the Chinese healthcare system. A department, even a hospital can easily make a living without any management. But this should not be seen as a good working attitude. In the coming decades, the majority of the patients will be the people born in 1980s and 1990s, who grow up with media offering transparent information and it is not that easy to hoodwink them. Every hospital can have good infrastructure and advanced medical devices. These do not make a hospital stands out. The core of a hospital should be hospital management, specialty construction and talent cultivation. These are the core competitiveness that distinguish a hospital from the counterparts. Hospital management standardizes the process and workflow. Specialty construction promotes the medical quality. Talent cultivation ensures the power of discourse. From now on, every hospital president and chief should work harder on these aspects. To distinguish yourself from the 34,000 hospitals in China. In today’s world, no matter in which country, healthcare system is the absolute livelihood, which determines the international influence of a country and should be seen as a mission. very hospital and chief should change their mindset for the mission and the international influence. They will not regret when look back in the future, and will not disappoint this extraordinary position, since a department even a hospital become better because of them.
