Review: Whirlwind from Germany Triggering Academic Waves

2019-11-13 14:39:23 Guangzhou Gloryren Orthopedics Technology Co., Ltd 109

From March 4th to March 9th,  Jiangmen International Sports Medicine - Knee Surgery Week was held in Jiangmen Central Hospital successfully. Otto Mayr was the visiting professor of this academic event.

Prof. Mayr, the major physician of the German Ski Team and the former Chair of Europe Sports Medicine Associates(ESMA) and ESSKA Session, came to China from Munich again, as an visiting professor to have academic communication in Jiangmen Central Hospital for a week.

Introduction of Prof. Mayr


Head of Department of Knee, Hip and Shoulder Surgery, Schön Klinik München Harlaching since 2016

President German Society of Joint Surgery and Arthroscopy (AGA), 2009-2011

President German Knee Society (DKG), 2012-2015

Board member German Knee Society (DKG) since 2012

Chair ESSKA Sports Committee, 2014-2016

Chair “European Sports Medicine Associates” (ESMA) ESSKA Section,  2016-2018

Visiting Professor in Jiangmen Central Hospital since 2018

The main contents of Jiangmen International Sports Medicine - Knee Surgery Week include outpatient treatment, ward rounds, surgical guidance, surgeries, training for the team, discussion on the management of the department, complicated cases discussion, open lectures, etc.

Welcome Ceremony

March 4th, 2019

In the morning of March 4th, the welcome ceremony for Pro. Mayr and the opening ceremony of Sino-German Communication Center for Sports Medicine was held in Jiangmen Central Hospital successfully.


President Yuming Li, Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection Yongyuan Chen and deputy director Yanming Huang kicked off the Jiangmen International Sports Medicine - Knee Surgery Week with respectively short speeches. Then the representatives from both sides and Prof. Mayr held the opening ceremony of Sino-German Communication Center for Sports Medicine, which was the first time of Schön Klinik München Harlaching establishing close cooperation with a Chinese hospital, having a profound meaning.


Successful Experience of Schön Klinik München Harlaching

  • Modern orthopedic treatment

  • Offering environment as at home for patients

  • Reducing the pain of patients

  • Shortening hospital stays/no more than five days even going through the largest orthopedics surgery

  • Employing professional consultants for departments

  • Accelerating rehabilitation

Complicated Case Discussion

March 4th, 2019

Complicated Case Discussion


In the afternoon of March 4th, Prof. Mayr held a complicated case discussion with the doctors of the Department of Extremities and Sports Medicine in Jiangmen Central Hospital. There were not only doctors in the discussion, but also nine patients in the cases participated in. Prof. Mayr analyzed every case on scene and gave Chinese doctors instructive treatment plans. All doctors participated in the discussions actively, acquiring appreciation from all attendees.

Ward Rounds And Outpatient Clinic

March 5th, 2019

In the morning of March 5th, Prof. Mayr went around the wards with the team of Director Huang of Jiangmen Central Hospital. It took three hours and 30 patients were seen. During the ward rounds, Prof. Mayr analyzed cases and discussed with the doctors from the department.


Director Huang said that Prof. Mayr had high proficiency so that they learned a lot in the three hours. Moreover, patients felt amazing when Prof. Mayr went to them, whose faces were filled with belief and respect to him. And many patients took their radiological scans waiting outside the department. Family members of these patients said that the Jiangmen Central Hospital invited a German professor here, demonstrating the hospital’s highly concerning the patients. Jiangmen Central Hospital is the best in their hearts.


From Monday to Wednesday, Prof. Mayr worked in the outpatient clinic of the Orthopedics Department in Jiangmen Central Hospital until 7:00p.m every day.


Knowing Prof. Mayr, Master of international sports medicine, will come to Jiangmen Central Hospital, many patients come here to meet him. Some patients arrived at the hospital earlier in order to see Prof. Mayr as soon as possible. Though some patients were arranged at 5:30p.m, they arrived at the clinic room at 2:30p.m. Though they had waited for several hours, they thought it was worth waiting for such a professional master because it was lucky for them to be treated by the international sports medicine master who came to China for a long distance.



March 6th, 2019

From March 6th, Prof. Mayr attended in the orthopedics procedures of Jiangmen Central Hospital.

Today, with Dr. Huang as the main surgeon, Prof. Mayr finished two procedures with three younger doctors. Though they had never performed surgeries together before, the procedure was very smooth and successful, fully displaying Prof. Mayr’s excellent medical skills and the excellence of younger doctors in Jiangmen Central Hospital.


After the procedure, Prof. Mayr shared his academic achievements with doctors of the department. In such academic atmosphere, everyone were taking notes seriously and discussing actively. Prof. Mayr showed his favour for this team. After the presentation, a young doctor showed a case of joint revision surgery to Prof. Mayr. Prof. Mayr, an ardent professor, even wanted to help the doctor to do the surgery if he had time. He said he felt more and more happy working here.


Live TKA broadcast

March 7th, 2019

On March 7th came the most exciting day. International sports medicine master Prof. Mayr performed a TKA, which was live broadcast. Yuanqiao Huan, Director of the Department of Extremities and Sports Medicine in Jiangmen Central Hospital was the key commentator, enabling everyone to watch the surgery at home and decode the mysteries of joint.

It began at 10:00 in the morning, and the number of viewers were increasing constantly. By the end of the procedure, the number of viewers had reached more than 87,000.

Case Introduction:

Female, 59 years old, pain and swelling in her knees for 10 years. to do left knee replacement surgery.


Prof. Mayr did preoperative hand and skin disinfection


A nurse helped Prof. Mayr dress surgical gown

After general anesthesia


The surgery began


Through the camera, we can see that Prof. Mayr, other doctors and nurses were wearing sterile surgical suits, looking attentively and doing procedure austerely. The process of the procedure was fluent.


Director Yuanqiao Huang explained the process of procedure to the audience

Exposing the incision, releasing the soft tissues, removing the hyperplastic osteophyte and releasing contracture of soft-tissue.

Osteotomy: according to limb alignment, removing the damaged joint soft bone to balance the gap between stretch and flexion, preparing implants to install, cleaning the wound and hemostasis.

Putting the implant: with the right size and type of femur and tibia. Using adhesive to combine with the implant and bone surface, then putting the sufficient spacer to check the situation of stretch and flexion.

Solving the patella: transforming it and remaining the right location and movement locus, placing the drainage and suturing.

Is doing a TKA (Total Knee Arthroplasty) surgery once for all?

After the procedure, a compere from Jiangmen Daily asked Prof. Mayr that was doing a TKA surgery once for all?


Prof. Mayr answered that after all, an artificial joint was a fake joint, so it still had time limit . After TKA, it would have nearly no problem in daily life. However, Prof. Mayr didn’t suggest  patients to often do high intensity activities because it would reduce the working time of an artificial joint. In general, if the artificial joint is installed in an appropriate way with fair use, 90% of artificial joints can be used more than 20 years.

President Li Expressing the Meaning of Sino-German Academic Communication

Yuming Li, President of Jiangmen Central Hospital,  accepted an interview and told us the effect of Prof. Mayr’s visit and exchange to the development of this hospital.


President Li affirmed that Prof. Mayr was an international master of sports medicine. Moreover, he told us that the Jiangmen Central Hospital had employed Prof. Mayr as an visiting professor in 2018 so Prof. Mayr would have academic communication in the hospital twice or three times every year. Prof. Mayr’s visit gave a lot help to the orthopedic department, even improved the whole academic level of this hospital. Through this communication, the hospital has gained new advanced treatment, new orthopedics concept and new achievements to improve the management of orthopedic department.

With the opportunity of Sino-Euro Orthopedics Physicians Alliance conference, we invited doctors of the hospitals from four cities around Jiangmen, even doctors of the hospitals from Zhongshan and Zhuhai, which are far away from Jiangmen. We invited them for live broadcast and academic communication activities to play the regional leading role of Jiangmen Central Hospital, to enhance the academic level of primary hospital and to offer services to more overseas Chinese people.

Pro. Mayr talked on his impression of Jiangmen and its central hospital


Prof. Mayr said Jiangmen was a very beautiful and prosperous city, as an European medium developed city. Though Jiangmen Central Hospital was crowded, it still had a bright future because its wonderful arrangement and detailed work specialization. He expressed that this activity was a quiet brilliant beginning of the corporation between Chinese hospitals and German hospitals, and believed that European doctors and Chinese doctors would learn much from each other.

Jiangmen Central Hospital

The First Cartilage Transplantation Surgery On Knee

After the live surgery broadcast, Prof. Mayr and other doctors continued to do the second surgery without break. The first surgery on live broadcast was the first cartilage transplantation surgery on knee in the history of Jiangmen Central Hospital. The second surgery was also a cartilage transplantation surgery on knee. The last time Prof. Mayr did the same surgery was four years ago in Germany. Chinese doctors said the patients were so lucky that they could be performed surgeries by Prof. Mayr.


Surgical Guidance

March 8th ,2019

On March 8th , the International Women’s Day, Prof. Mayr did the last TKA surgery, with Dr. Gunshao Ma as primary surgeon and  Prof. Mayr as an instructor.


Prof. Mayr said in Munich everyday, he arrived at the hospital at 6:30a.m and did not leave until 11:30p.m because there were so many patients for him that he had to do surgeries on and on. 7% of patients in Schön Klinik München Harlaching are from overseas. Though Schön Klinik has never advertised, patients will tell others on their own. Prof. Mayr only has 28 annual holidays, but he decided to spend the time on two hospitals in China.

Sino-German Sports Medicine and Knee Joint Discussion

March 8th ,2019

In the afternoon of March 8th , Prof. Mayr took part in the Sino-German Sports Medicine and Knee Joint Discussion which was held by Jiangmen Central Hospital. There were 50 experts from Jiangmen, Xinhui, Zhongshan, Zhuhai respectively attended.

Prof. Mayr, the former president of European Sports Medicine Association and an international knee master, gave a presentation to show us his experience about how to improve surgery technique,  standardize procedure and reduce complication in order to improve clinical results.


Seminar host - Yuanqiao Huang


Prof. Mayr shared his experience

Doctors from Jiangmen Central Hospital, Xinhui People’s Hospital,  Jiangmen People’s Hospital and Guangdong Provincial Hospital of TCM Zhuhai, also brought some meaningful cases to discuss actively and share their ideas. Through the case discussion, all doctors made a deep impression on their academic communication, which thoroughly showed the meaning of Sino-German orthopedics exchange and Chinese orthopedics would advance in a bright direction.

Discussions scene


Summarizing Convention

March 9th, 2019

At 10:00a.m, the closing ceremony of Jiangmen International Sports Medicine - Knee Surgery Week was held in Jiangmen Central Hospital successfully. The host, Director Yuanqiao Huang reviewed the academic week and the achievements of this activity.


Prof. Mayr reviewed his work and expressed his appreciation to everyone’s support and effort. In the meanwhile, he admired that Jiangmen Central Hospital had an outstanding team in Orthopedic Department. He also said that the range of patients here was the same as his department in Munich. Therefore, his week here was quite full. He said he was looking forward to the next Sino-German academic communication and he was willing to promote the development of orthopedics together.


Jiangmen International Sports Medicine - Knee Surgery Week was held in Jiangmen Central Hospital successfully.

In this week, we have witnessed the establishment of Sino-German Communication Center for Sports Medicine, a live broadcast on TKA surgery with 87,000 online viewers. We have witnessed two procedures, three surgical guidances, one ward round in the morning, 48 clinical patients, 10 difficult case discussions, an international open lecture and a summarizing convention.

Prof. Mayr thought highly of Jiangmen Central Hospital. He said this hospital was very modern with all qualities which a good hospital should have, and the staff showed respect to each other.

PS: The videos of surgery will be put online after post-processing. Please keep an eye on the information on this platform.

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