
2023-10-05 21:06:56 广州仁医医疗 56


9月24日,东莞市人民医院杨杰医生从广州飞来了法兰克福。到达哥廷根时,广州的李西善医生和贵阳的周翔医生专程来迎接他。至此,哥廷根大学医疗中心大骨科主任Lehmann 教授迎来了他第三个临床医学MD博士。5月19日世界脊柱肿瘤第一人Boriani教授在东莞市人民医院的大师公开课完美收官。当天的全程翻译正是骨三科杨杰医生。当年是朱文雄主任告诉他必须去德国攻读临床医学MD博士,因为德国是现代医学的发源地。这一年,他每天都打卡学习专业英文。这次Boriani教授来到东莞市人民医院骨三科做客座教授,杨杰医生全程用英文与教授交流,与朱主任和Boriani 教授一同上手术。杨杰医生这一生最重要的贵人就是骨三科的朱文雄主任。没有朱主任就没有今天最好的杨杰。骨三科在蔡立民书记的主导下朱文雄主任2020年5月开科。去年就完成了500多例骨肿瘤手术。这是个绝对惊人的表现。接下来的两年,杨杰医生将在哥廷根大学医疗中心大骨科一年开展科研,一年开展临床工作。未来只有与这个世界上最伟大的医生一同学习工作才能为中国医疗带来颠覆性的技术。

On September 24th, doctor YANG Jie from Dongguan People's Hospital flew from Guangzhou to Frankfurt. When he arrived in Göttingen, he was greeted by doctor LI Xishan from Guangzhou and doctor ZHOU Xiang from Guiyang. Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Lehmann, Head of the Departemt of Trauma Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery and Plastic Surgery of UMG now welcomed his third MD student for his clinical doctor study. On May 19th, Prof. Boriani, the World's leading spinal oncologist, held a master class at Dongguan People's Hospital. The interpreter on that day was exactly doctor YANG Jie from the Orthopedic Ward III. It was Director of the Orthopedic Ward III, Director ZHU Wenxiong, who told him that he would have to pursue his MD study in Clinical Medicine in Germany, because Germany is the birthplace of modern medicine. Throughout the year, he studied professional English every day persistently. This time, Prof. Boriani visited to the Orthopedic Ward III of Dongguan People's Hospital as a visiting professor, Dr. YANG Jie exchanged with Prof. Boriani in English, and went to surgeries together with Director ZHU and Prof. Boriani. In his life, doctor YANG Jie's most influential mentor is Director ZHU Wenxiong of the Orthopedic Ward III. Without Director ZHU, there would not be the better YANG Jie. Orthopedic Ward III of the hospital was founded in May 2020 by Director ZHU Wenxiong under the leadership of Secretary of CPC Committee, Secretary Cai Limin. Last year alone, more than 500 bone tumor surgeries were conducted in the hospital. This is an absolutely amazing performance. For the next two years, doctor YANG Jie will spend one year conducting basic science research and one year having clinical work in the Departemt of Trauma Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery and Plastic Surgery of UMG. In the future, only by studying and working alongside the greatest doctors in the world will doctors be able to bring revolutionary technology to Chinese medical field.
