
2023-08-18 10:32:54 广州仁医医疗 55


8月流火,江南无锡,傍晚时分,我与春苑去了江南第一名山的惠山古镇,这是乾隆皇帝的最爱,他寄居的寄畅园静静地在我身边,如梦如幻。华灯初上,仿佛像一场电影,浓浓的民国风。我们吃了39年品牌专注的夏家边大馄饨,这是小时候父亲给我的难忘滋味,我们去了科学家咖啡馆喝水果茶,在糕大师买了小时候爱吃的百果苏式月饼,这就是2023年我的苏式生活。我想年老的时分我应住在苏式小城,永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。吃营养早餐,逛园林,读藏书,在蠡湖边散步。这就是我的City Walk。当然我也会与全世界著名的关键学术领袖一同工作,这个疫情后的首个9月10位世界上伟大的医生将从欧洲越过山海来到我的祖国。他们绝对是雪中送炭,而不是锦上添花。中国每一个医生都应该记住他们的名字。过去三年,我常常在想,我们一定可以再见,不知何时,不知何地,一定是个晴天。我们不能创立一家医院,但我们会让中国更多的医院变得更好。我们的人生应该如何度过?自信而笃定。这是对生命的思索。2023年9月16日至17日第三届中欧医院管理学科建设人才培养全球论坛将在中国厦门W酒店盛大开幕。德国慕尼黑大学附属医院Stief院长将带领10位欧洲关键学术领袖亲临中国厦门。他们将与中国医院院长,各学科带头人,各行政部门负责人和优秀青年医生面对面交流。见一次面吧,在9月16日28度的中国海滨城市厦门。

In the midsummer of August, in Wuxi, Jiangnan. I went to the Huishan Ancient Town with Chunyuan at dusk, which is also known as the Top One Mountain in Jiangnan area. This is the favorite of the Qianlong Emperor. The dreamlike Jichang Garden where he resided is quietly beside me. When the lights are lit, this seems like a movie set in the Republic of China era. We had a dinner at Xiajiabian Wonton with a history of 39 years. This is an unforgettable taste enjoyed together with my father when I was a child. We drank a cup of fruit tea at the Scientist café. We bought Suzhou-style mooncake at the Chinese pastry shop Gao Dashi. This is my Suzhou-style life in 2023. I think I should enjoy my retirement in Jiangnan area in the future. O ever youthful, O ever weeping. Enjoy fine breakfast, visit Suzhou-style gardens, read books and have a walk by the Lihu Lake. This is the City Walk of my style. At the same time, I will still be working with world-class key academic leaders. In the first September after the pandemic, ten of the world’s great doctors will travel across mountains and seas from Europe to China. Their visit will be a timely assistance to the healthcare system of China, not the icing on the cake. Their names will be bore in mind by every Chinese doctor. Over the past three years, I have been always thinking that. We will definitely see each other again. I don't know when or where, but it must be a sunny day. Gloryren does not own any hospital, but we will help Chinese hospitals become better. How should we spend our life? with confidence and commitment. This is the contemplation to life. From Sept 16 to Sept 17, the Third Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management, Specialty Construction & Talent Cultivation 2023 will be grandly held at W Xiamen. Prof. Stief, the Deputy Medical Director of University Hospital of Munich will visit Xiamen personally, together with 10 key academic leaders from Europe. They will have face-to-face exchanges with Chinese hospital presidents, key academic leaders in different specialties, heads of administrative departments and outstanding young doctors. Let us meet on Sept. 16 in the coastal city of Xiamen, China with a comfortable temperature of 28℃.
