
2023-06-13 17:00:44 广州仁医医疗 71


 64日下午我们在广州白云机场顺利接到了德国足踝之父Olms教授。我们立即赶往深圳。他两小时在车上精力充沛。从白天聊到黑夜,天边现出了火烧云。他1996年创立德国足踝外科学会,当时只有5人,现在有成员2000人,他创立了足踝外科培训体系,在全球开讲。上周在阿姆斯特丹他为来自8个国家的青年医生作了专业系统化的培训。他常年在印尼,越南等医疗条件落后国家免费为儿童主刀手术。当年在印尼有个小女孩因为马蹄足被视为不祥, 她的父母把她扔在垃圾桶,他们听到哭声,立即解救了她,Olms教授还亲自为她做了手术,如今小女孩已经15岁了,亭亭玉立,健康成长。我们来到人世间,生而平等。应发上等愿,做慈善事,享下等福。这30年间他去世界各地手术,演讲,慈善,他去了沙特50多次之多。他总是喜欢走很远很远的路去见这个世界上有意思的人。66Olms教授在中国的第一个中德足踝外科交流中心落地到深圳市第二人民医院足踝外科手外科。从此开启了中德足踝外科事业的新征程。感谢深圳市第二人民医院院长聂国辉,副院长熊建义,大骨科主任王满宜,足踝外科手外科主任李文翠和副主任刘全对学科建设和人才培养的鼎力支持,深圳市第二人民医院大骨科是国家临床重点专科,足踝外科手外科在李文翠主任的带领下撑起了医院一片天。也是深圳市足踝外科的领头羊。整个团队年轻,上进,英文好,专业强。

On the afternoon of June 4, we successfully received Dr. Olms, „Mann der ersten Stunde“ in foot surgery in Germany at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. Then, we immediately went to Shenzhen. He was full of energy in the two-hour car drive. We talked from day to night and there were burning clouds on the horizon. He founded the German Society of Foot and Ankle Surgery in 1996 with only 5 people, now with more than 2,000 members. And he has co-created a system of training in Foot and Ankle Surgery that he teaches worldwide. Last week in Amsterdam, he gave a professional and systematic training for young doctors with other specialists from 8 countries. He has performed surgeries for children in countries with poor medical conditions, such as Indonesia and Vietnam. There was a little girl in Indonesia whose parents abandoned her in a trash can, as the kids with talipes equinovarus was considered inauspicious. People heard her crying and immediately rescued her, and Dr. Olms himself performed the surgery on her, and now she is 15 years old, standing tall and healthy. We were all born equal. We should always make sincere wishes, do benevolent deeds, and enjoy little blessings. Over the past 30 years, he has traveled all over the world for surgeries, lectures, and charities, and he has been to Saudi Arabia lots of times. He always likes to travel far and wide to meet interesting people in the world. On June 6, with the help and support of Dr. Olms, the first Sino-German Foot and Ankle Surgery Communication Center between Shenzhen and Flensburg, landed in the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery and Hand Surgery of Shenzhen Second People's Hospital. A new journey on foot and ankle surgery in China and Germany started ever since. We are grateful to Prof. Nie Guohui, President of Shenzhen Second People's Hospital, Prof. Xiong Jianyi, Vice President, Prof. Wang Manyi, director of the Department of Orthopedics, Prof. Li Wencui, director of the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery and Hand Surgery and Prof. Liu Jianquan, deputy director, for their strong support for discipline construction and talent cultivation. The Department of Orthopaedics of Shenzhen Second People's Hospital is listed as the national key clinical specialty. Under the management of director Prof. Li Wencui, the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery and Hand Surgery has provided strong support and good reputation for the hospital, which is also the leading department in Shenzhen. The whole team is young, motivated and professional.

