At first sight , you feel like an old friend of mine

2023-06-07 10:41:13 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 73



他是三年疫情之后首位到访中国的大师级专家。真正做研究的人都有一个人世间的恩惠,他们的作品百年之后千年之后还能够与万千人进行对话。他们甚至可以用他们大师级的作品与后世的人进行沟通。这才是世界上伟大的医生。他5月13日从博洛尼亚出发,5月14日深夜23:00抵达中国广州,他自已购买的飞机票,为了给中国医院省钱,他选择了15个小时的飞行,在迪拜中转等待了8个小时。他拒绝了我们要在迪拜机场订的酒店。他从5月15日开始了东莞和郑州长达14天的工作。5月19日东莞市人民医院客座教授完美收官。5月21日他飞赴郑州市骨科医院。门诊,查房,病例讨论,手术指导,手术实操,科室管理培训,大师公开课。每一天他都在高強度的工作。晚餐几乎没吃。一遍又一遍修改他的PPT,甚至在飞机上。离开东莞的前一天他甚至整夜未睡,为了第二天的大师公开课。他对工作的热爱和激情,彻底点燃了中国的医院和脊柱肿瘤这个学科。他亲自主刀了2020台高难度脊柱肿瘤手术全世界第一,他发表的脊柱肿瘤的文章全世界第一,他创立了WBB,开创了脊柱肿瘤的先河。他创立了脊柱肿瘤治疗流程图。让脊柱肿瘤的治疗变得更加简单明了。他谈到脊柱肿瘤的治疗理念时,双眼发光。世界上没有一家医院可以象里佐利骨科研究所这样让人心生向往。它让生陷至暗时刻在炼狱之中困顿的病人看见了生的希望。他就是来自意大利博洛尼亚传说的里佐利骨科研究所的世界脊柱肿瘤第一Boriani 教授,我不相信友谊,我只相信雪中送碳。在我的国家,有一个古老的传说“我们只要雪中送碳,我们不要锦上添花”。谁能在疫情尚未结束之后的2023年这个特别的夏日来到我深爱的祖国,谁就是我们国家真正的朋友。与君初相遇,犹如故人归。

He is the first world-class master who visited China after the three-year pandemic. People dedicated to research always leave some legacies to the world and their accomplishments can still strike a chord with thousands of people after hundreds of years. They can even communicate with later generations through their masterpieces. They are truly the great doctors in the world. He took a flight from Bologna on May 13th and arrived in Guangzhou late at 11 p.m on May 14th. To save costs for Chinese hospitals, he chose to fly for 15 hours and waited for another 8 hours to transfer at Dubai. He declined our proposal to book a hotel room close to the Dubai International Airport. Starting from May 15th, he began his work spanning 2 weeks as a visiting professor in Dongguan and Zhengzhou.On May 19th, his visit as a visiting professor in Donguan People’s Hospital came to an end. On May 21th , he took a flight to Zhengzhou to visit Zhengzhou Orthopedics Hospital.The activities in the hospitals include outpatient consultation, ward rounds, case discussion, surgical guidance, giving lectures of department management and giving public classes. Every day he worked with a high level of intensity. He barely ate dinner. He revised his presentation again and again even when he was on the plane. The day before he left Dongguan for Zhengzhou, he almost stayed up all night to make preparations for the public classes next day. His love and passion for work have greatly inspired Chinese hospitals and facilitated the development of the specialty of spine tumor in China. He has collected around 2020 cases of spine tumor so far, ranking the first in the world. He published the most papers on the subject of spine tumor. He is the cofounder of the WBB surgical system and spearheaded the development of spine tumor. He and his colleagues designed the flow chart for treating bone metastases of the spine. This made the treatment for bone metastases of the spine simpler and more clearly. His eyes gleamed when he spoke of the treatment concept of spine tumor. No other hospital can be more fascinating than the IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute. It gives hope for life to patients who are in the abyss at the darkest hours of their lives. He is Prof. Boriani, the world-class master for spine tumor from the famous IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna. I don’t believe in superficial friendship. I only believe in timely assistance. As an old saying in China goes, “We need timely assistance instead of icing on the cake.” Those who visit my beloved motherland in this special summer of 2023 despite the ongoing pandemic are the true friends of China. At first sight, you feel like an old friend of mine.


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