
2023-06-01 16:30:18 广州仁医医疗 62



20223月北京冬残奥会德国国家代表队首席医疗官Stinus 到访北京。他认为中国是一个非常伟大的国家。举行了非比寻常的国际赛事,让他记忆深刻。这个5月他再一次重回中国。521日他从德国飞赴中国广州,23:00到达广州白云机场,连夜赶往东莞。这个5月他再一次重回中国。521日他从德国飞赴中国广州,23:00到达广州白云机场,连夜赶往东莞。522日东莞市中医院党委书记叶国华带领大骨科卢国樑主任,足踝外科谢庆祥主任在新建的国医馆举行了隆重而简单的“大师中国行”欢迎议式。接下来的一周Stinus将在该院足踝外科开展门诊,查房,病例讨论,手术指导,手术实操,医院管理,科室培训,汕尾义诊以及大师公开课,2018年开始,东莞市中医院特别聘请了德国足踝外科主席,哥廷根大学医疗中心高级顾问Stinus 教授任国际客座教授。这四年来足踝外科手术量稳步增加,去年完成了近3000台手术。这也是东莞地区第一家足踝外科。这也是我们坚信要深耕基层医疗,当地百姓无需跋山涉水,就地解决各种疑难杂症,更好造福当地百姓。一个国家科技发达,医学昌明,教育普及,人民安居乐业,自由法制这才重要。

Dr. Stinus, the Chief Medical Officer of the German National Team for the Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 paid his visit to China in March 2022. He thinks that China is a very great country. He was deeply impressed by the extraordinary international games held in China. This May, he visit China again. On May 21, he flew from Germany to Guangzhou, China, arrived at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport at 23:00, and then set off for Dongguan overnight. On May 22, Mr. Ye Guohua, Party Secretary of Dongguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with Prof. Lu Guoliang, director of the Department of Orthopedics, and Mr. Xie Qingxiang, director of the foot and ankle Surgery Department, to hold a grand and brief welcome ceremony for the one-week visiting professor trip of Dr. Stinus in China" in the newly built Traditional Chinese Medicine Center. In the following week, Dr. Stinus will carry out outpatient consultation, ward rounds, case discussion, surgical guidance, hospital management, further education, voluntary outpatient service in Shanwei City and give academic lecture in Dongguan Hospital of TCM. Since 2018, Dongguan Hospital of TCM has specially invited Dr. Stinus, the Former President of the German foot and ankle Surgery Association and the senior consultant of Orthopaedics, Trumatology and Plastic surgery at University Medical Center of Gottingen, to be their international visiting professor. In the past four years, the number of foot and ankle surgeries has steadily increased in Dongguan Hospital of TCM, with nearly 3,000 operations completed last year. It is the first foot and ankle surgery department set up in Dongguan. This built our confidence to keep our faith over the years that we should be deeply involved in developing primary care. The local residents are no longer trekking into the hospitals in the first-tier cities to seek medical treatment for these complex and rare diseases, but could receive the treatment in local hospitals. For a country, the most important thing is to have advance technology, well-developed medicine and popularized education, and that people live in peace and contentment, and that the society is free, under a nomocracy.

