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2023-05-18 14:33:09 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 91


5月14日深夜23点世界脊柱肿瘤第一人Boriani 教授从意大利博洛尼亚飞来广州。15日一早教授赶到东莞市人民医院。骨三科朱文雄主任带领整个团队与教授开始了这一周的工作。Boriani专门介绍了意大利博洛尼亚的里佐利骨科研究所的传奇故事。它在14世纪是一所精美绝伦的修道院。在战争期间,拿破仑带领法国军队烧毁了这所修道院。1896年意大利著名医生里佐利私人出钱修复了这所修道院,并让它成为了意大利第一所骨科医院。医院目前有344张病床,每年15000台骨科手术。1984年在他的导师Campanacci教授的鼓励下,Boriani教授开始专注于脊柱肿瘤的研究。目前脊柱肿瘤与退行性脊柱外科有24张病床。他因个人完成了2020台脊柱肿瘤手术为此震惊世界。目前该院有300位研究员在开展科研工作,每年有约400篇文章在顶级期刊发表。经过Boriani教授的导师和他的学生三代人的共同发展,至此里佐利骨科研究所共完成2万台骨与软组织肿瘤手术,成为全欧洲乃至全世界最著名的骨肿瘤治疗医院。Boriani教授这一生都在寻找治疗脊柱肿瘤的标准答案。2020年5月东莞市人民医院骨三科成立了骨肿瘤科。今天整个科室有25位骨肿瘤病人。经过三年的发展,科室初具规模,去年已完成500多例肿瘤病人的救治。2019年东莞市人民医院聘请了Boriani 教授成为该院国际客座教授。今天上午蔡立民书记带领医院管理团队和骨三科朱文雄主任团队与Boriani 教授共同成立中欧骨肿瘤交流中心。这是Boriani教授在中国成立的第一家中欧骨肿瘤交流中心。

The world-class master for spinal tumor Prof. Boriani took a flight to Guangzhou from Bologna and arrived there at late night on May 14th. Early in the morning of May 15th, Prof. Boriani arrived in the Dongguan People’s Hospital. Prof. Zhu Wenxiong, the Director of the Department of Orthopedics Third District, along with his whole team, began the work this week with Prof. Boriani. Prof. Boriani specially introduced the incredible history of Rizzoli Institute in Bologna. It used to be an exquisite monastery in the 14th century. During the war, Napoleon led the French army to burn down this monastery. In 1896, the famous Italian surgeon Francesco Rizzoli bought the monastery and rebuilt it and turned it into the first orthopedic hospital in Italy. Currently there are 344 beds and around 15,000 operations are performed here annually. In 1984, with the encouragement of his mentor Prof. Campanacci, Prof. Boriani started his professional life dedicated at bone tumors of the spine. The Unit of Oncologic and Degenerative Spine Surgery has 24 beds. Prof. Boriani has collected 2020 cases on the subject of spine tumor so far, which surprises the colleagues worldwide. There are 300 employed researchers carrying out scientific research in the hospital and around 400 articles are published in top academic journals each year. With the joint efforts of his tutor Prof. Campanacci, Prof. Boriani and his colleagues, more than 20,000 bone and soft tissue tumor cases were documented at the Rizzoli Institute till now and it has become the most famous hospital for treating spine tumor in Europe and even around the world. Prof. Boriani has been dedicating to seeking for the best solution for treating spine tumor. In May 2020, the Department of Orthopedics Third District of Dongguan People’s Hospital established the Department of Bone Tumor. Till today, the department has newly received 25 bone tumor patients. After three years of development, the department takes shape and successfully treated over 500 bone tumor patients last year. In 2019, the Dongguan People’s Hospital invited Prof. Boriani as its visiting professor. This morning, Cai Limin, the Party Secretary/President of the hospital, led the hospital’s management team and the team led by Director Zhu Wenxiong to jointly establish the Sino-Euro Communication Center for Bone Tumor with Prof. Boriani. This is the first Sino-Euro Communication Center for Bone Tumor co-founded by Prof. Boriani in China.


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