
2023-04-13 10:23:54 广州仁医医疗 82


2023年4月6日我们与德国施特劳宾运动医学医院院长、德国膝关节学会膝关节中心负责人Thore Zantop教授召开了闭门会议。德国施特劳宾运动医学医院是巴伐利亚地区著名的只专注于运动医学的医院。35年前由拜仁州足球队的队医Dr. Eichhorn和Dr. Ebner创立,是德国第一家运动医学医院。该院根据关节和运动医学疾病和术式分设12个治疗组,每年手术量约为12000台。Zantop教授接管施特劳宾运动医学医院已有十二年之久,Zantop教授每年手术量约1200台。Zantop教授是德国著名的关节镜大师,精通膝关节关节镜下的ACL、PCL、半月板、软骨损伤治疗。他是德国、瑞士标准教学材料《膝关节》、《(膝关节)前交叉韧带》作者、也是著名的“Return to Play”重返竞技运动概念的提出者,为众多德国国家级运动员主刀过手术。该院是一所高度专业化的运动医学治疗中心,只专注于运动医学领域的治疗,是德国最大的关节镜中心,该院被认证为国际足联卓越医疗中心和巴伐利亚州奥运训练基地官方治疗中心。该院有12名德国重量级运动医学专家,员工超220名,所有医生只专注于某个特定解剖部位或某种特定术式。高度专业化。该院欢迎中国优秀运动医学医生到院访学,可根据每位中国医生的临床重点安排相应的学习内容。

On April 6th, 2023, Gloryren had an internal meeting with Prof. Thore Zantop, Medical Director of Sporthopaedicum Straubing and Chief of the Knee Center of German Knee Society. The Sporthopaedicum Straubing in Germany is a renowned hospital in Bavaria, specialising only in Sports Orthopedics. 35 years ago, it was founded by Dr. Eichhorn and Dr. Ebner, the team doctors of the soccer team of Bayern, and Sporthopaedicum is among the first Sports Orthopedic hospitals in Germany. 12 treatment groups has been set up in this hospital for diseases and procedures in joints and Sports Orthopedics, and it has around 12,000 surgeries per year.

Prof. Zantop has been at the helm of the Sporthopaedicum Straubing for over 12 years and performs around 1,200 surgeries per year, and is one of Germany's leading specialists in arthroscopic treatment of ACL, PCL, meniscus and cartilage injuries of the knee. He is the author of the German and Swiss standard textbooks, KNIEGELENK and The Anterior Cruciate Ligament, and is also the pioneer of the well-known "Return to Play" (return to athletic conditions after sports injuries) concept. He has performed surgery for numerous German national athletes. The hospital is a highly specialised Sports Orthopedic center, specialising only in the field of Sports Orthopedics, and is the largest arthroscopy center for joints in Germany. It is accredited as a FIFA Medical Center of Excellence and the official treatment center of the Bavarian Olympic training base. The hospital has 12 heavyweight German Sports Orthopedic specialists and over 220 employees, all of whom specialise in a particular anatomical area or a specific procedure. As such, it is a highly specialized center. The hospital welcomes outstanding Chinese Sports Orthopedic doctors as fellows and can arrange the study program according to the clinical focus of each Chinese fellow.
