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2023-03-16 11:12:38 广州仁医医疗 155



310日下午,无锡市第九人民医院暨无锡市骨科医院携手仁医医疗成功举办了2023中德高水平医院管理会议。非常感谢医院党委书记及院长芮永军教授,副院长糜菁熠教授对此次会议的大力支持和团队的积极参与。芮永军院长致欢迎辞表示自己也与德国有过不解之缘,曾多次前往德国进行访学交流,并于三年前曾受邀前往德国参加欧洲手外科协会年会,很高兴这次能够从医院层面出发来与德国进行合作,来进行中德之间医院管理及学科建设的学术交流。接着,德国Schön Klinik医院集团慕尼黑哈拉兴骨科医院创始院长Michael Mayer教授以“医院成功的闭环,就是保持卓越”为题倾情分享他管理慕尼黑哈拉兴骨科医院20余年的经验,着重提到医院质量的管控。评定医院质量的五个维度:病人满意度、病人关系管理、设施便利程度、决策效率以及病人疗效。其中,前面四点考验的是医院的流程优化和管理质量。除了流程管理,一家医院成功的核心是医疗质量的把控和提高,要保持高质量的医疗服务,必须做到对并发症率和风险的管控。

讲课结束,Mayer教授与参会观众进行了激烈的讨论。教授提到,建立一个运营良好的脊柱畸形及脊柱联合肿瘤专业组可能需要花费至少3-5年的时间,并且可以通过提供畸形或联合肿瘤门诊服务来直接吸引更多的病人。同时,医院内部采集的所有关于病人满意度、并发症数据以及随访情况的高价值及高利用度的数据,也需要注意良性分配和简化流程,不应过度加重医护人员的工作负担。最后,医院并不需要耗费大量成本去聘请在业内已极度有声望的“学术带头人”,而是要发掘国内第二梯队的“明日之星”做科室主任,为他们提供成长的平台和空间, 让他们成为真正的学术领袖。最后,糜菁熠副院长致结束辞,非常感谢Mayer教授两个小时的倾囊相授,表示医院更多专注于国际间学术交流,这次就医院管理为主题的讲课给了我们耳目一新的体验与启发,也深深敬佩Mayer教授的管理理念,非常希望日后有机会能够与Mayer教授进行面对面的交流。

On the afternoon of March 10th, Wuxi 9th People’s Hospital, also known as Wuxi Orthopaedics Hospital, successfully held the Sino-German Video Conference on Hospital Management 2023 with Gloryren. We deeply appreciate the great support from Prof. Rui Yongjun, the Secretary of Party Committee and the President of the hospital and Prof. Mi Jingyi, the Vice President of the hospital and the active participation of the whole team. President Rui Yongjun shared in the welcome speech that he had a great relationship with Germany. He had visited Germany many times for academic exchangesHe was also invited to attend the congress of the Federation of European Societies for the Surgery of the Hand (FESSH) in Germany three years ago. He was glad for the exchange on hospital management and specialty construction. A cooperation between the hospital and Prof. Mayer from Germany. The founding Medical Director of Schön Klinik München Harlaching-Prof. Mayer shared his experience in hospital management with a lecture titled The keys to success of a hospital - How to build and maintain excellence, in which he emphasized the importance of hospital quality. The hospital quality categories include: patient satisfaction, patient relationship management, amenities and convenience, decision making efficiency and patient outcomes. The first four categories can be summarized as the process and management quality of a hospital. Besides, the core of the success is to keep the medical quality high, which is to control complication rates and risks.

After the lecture, Prof. Mayer had heated discussions with the participants. Prof. Mayer suggested that it would take 3 to 5 years to establish a well-organized division such as spinal deformity or spinal tumor and the hospital can initially attract more patients by providing outpatient services of these divisions. Meanwhile, when documenting the patient satisfaction, complications and follow-up data, the hospital should pay more attention to reasonable work allocation and simplified  procedures, And should not overburden the medical workers. It is not necessary to spend too much effort to hire a key opinion leader as the chief of a department. Instead, we should explore the young and talented rising stars who are at the second row of good surgeons and offer them the opportunity and help to grow up as a real key opinion leader”. In the end, Vice President Mi Jingyi extended heartfelt thanks for the insightful lecture of Prof. Mayer. Saying that hospital has been paying more attention to international exchanges on academic field before. The lecture on hospital management today brought us brand-new experiences and inspiration. He deeply appreciated and spoke highly of the management wisdom of Prof. Mayer, and hoped to have opportunities to have face-to-face exchanges with Prof. Mayer in the future.
