
2023-03-07 18:09:38 广州仁医医疗 175



In recent years, Guangdong Provincial Government has allocated 1.5 billion yuan to 50 hospitals for the High-level Hospital Construction Project. The grant was directly distributed to the hospitals from the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province. The hospitals are authorized to plan and use the grant on their own. However, the grant should be primarily invested in clinical specialties, scientific research, talent cultivation, and employee benefits, not in infrastructure. But after receiving the grant, most of the hospital started constructing new building and purchasing equipment. Only a few of them invested in specialty construction and talent cultivation. How pathetic!. What matters most to a hospital is, its hospital management, specialty construction, and talent cultivation. This is the gold standard to evaluate a hospital. A hospital cannot meet the international standard without this. Buildings and equipment are only the basics for a hospital, while people are its most valuable asset. The Foresea Life Insurance Guangzhou General Hospital costs 6 billion yuan, but few patients visit it, because the doctors there are inadequate. The most serious issue in Chinese hospitals is the massive waste of funds and a lack of investment in the doctors who can actually help patients. No matter how much the government invests or how ambitious the national strategy is, it will all be in vain due to these short-sighted. How pathetic!

柏林夏洛特大学综合医院2021年获得3.92亿欧元财政拨款与补贴,医学院获得2.15亿欧元科研经费,该院全部用于科研,教学和人才培养,所以柏林夏洛特大学综合医院一直是全德国乃至全欧洲排名第一的医院。它的科研与临床实在是太强大了。服务范围包括了现代医学的各个领域,并能够为任何诊断提供合适的治疗。该院汇聚了大量的医学专家,全球各种疾病症状都能够在这里接受诊治。与大学研究所建立了密切的合作关系,该院具有三百多年历史。夏洛特医院因其杰出的医疗技术,医学科研和医学理念享有盛名。在这家医院工作过的世界著名的医生和科学家数不胜数,德国历史上19位诺贝尔医学和生理学奖获得者中的10位就来自于此。医院有4个院区,17个跨学科中心,超过100个临床科室和研究所。总面积达607200平米,医院现有雇员达20,921人,其中包含4,988位研究人员与临床医生、301位教授、5,047位护理人员、1,265位行政人员。 医院现有3,277张床位、作为柏林最大的医学人才培育基地,有9,030名医学生在这里攻读医学专业。这一连串令人眩晕的数字勾勒出医院在全德国独一无二的学术和医疗地位。当然除了科研和教学,医治患者是综合医院最重要的使命。2021年,夏洛特住院人次约12.5万例,门诊68.2万例,平均住院天数5.97天,在科研期刊上发表5,857篇文章,总收入超过23亿欧元。连续十年被FOCUS杂志评选为全德排名第一的医院,连续三年被美国新闻周刊评选为全球排名前五、全欧洲排名第一的医院。

In 2021, Charité received a total of €392.2 million in grants and subsidies. The Medical Faculty of it recorded external funding inflows totaling approximately €215.9 million, which will be used in research, teaching and talent cultivation. Charité has always been the best hospital in Germany and even in Europe, for its top scientific output and clinical expertise. It offers appropriate treatment covers the entire spectrum of modern medicine. Current and future leaders in the field of medicine are working under the same roof there. Charité represents a single medical faculty, which serves both the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Free University of Berlin, with a history of more than 300 years. Charité is internationally renowned for its excellence in clinical care, research, and teaching. Numerous worldwide-renown doctors and scientists have worked here. It proudly lays claim to more than half of all German Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine. Charité extends over four campuses, and has over 100 different Departments and Institutes, which make up a total of 17 different Charité Centers, covering an area of 607,200 square meters. There are currently 20,921 employees, among them, there are 4,988 researchers and doctors,301 professors,5,047 nursing staff and 1,265 administrative staff. There are 3,277 beds. As the largest educational training centre in Berlin. It prepares 9,030 students to shape the medicine of tomorrow. All these impressive numbers speak for its unrivaled excellence in research and in healthcare. In addition to its role in research and teaching, its fundamental mission also includes the care and treatment of patients. In 2021, there were 123,793 inpatient cases, 682,731 outpatient cases, the mean length of stay is 5.97 days, 5,857 publications were published in scientific journals affiliated to Charité. 2021 saw Charité record a turnover of 2.3 billion and that the German weekly news magazine Focus placed Charité highest in its rankings of the best 100 German hospitals for the tenth year running. In the Newsweek rankings of the world’s best hospitals, Charité came top five and the best hospital in Europe for three consecutive years.
