第二届中欧国际对话 聚焦甲状腺眼病热点问题全球直播

2023-03-03 11:14:04 广州仁医医疗 88


2月24日下午第二届中欧国际对话-聚焦甲状腺眼病热点问题全球直播于南方医科大学顺德医院完满收官。南方医科大学顺德医院院长、内分泌与代谢科学科带头人沈洁教授担任大会主席。大会特别邀请了意大利米兰总医院Graves眼病中心主任、欧洲Graves眼病专家小组(EUGOGO)指南负责人Mario Salvi马里奥-萨尔维教授以及多名国内知名内分泌与代谢疾病专家、眼科专家线上线下参与直播。会上,马里奥-萨尔维教授围绕《ATA/ETA甲状腺眼病共识》分别进行轻度、中重度甲状腺眼病的诊疗进程,威胁视力甲状腺眼病的处理及对策的深入解读。上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院内分泌科主任王卫庆教授围绕“糖皮质激素治疗甲状腺眼病的循证医学证据”话题进行经验分享;南京中医药大学附属中西医结合医院内分泌科副主任医师刘洲君讲解了“TAO眼眶内注射疗法”;中国医科大学附属第一医院的李玉姝教授从一例极重的TAO患者的治疗话题切入,带来了深刻的思考;最后沈洁教授开展了“甲状腺眼病威胁视力的评估预判”话题授课。大会每小节讲解完毕,国内外专家积极互动问答。Salvi教授始终在线上认真听课,认真分析,耐心解答。整场全球直播气氛热烈,持续将近4个小时,直播间超4.3万人次观看。医疗无国界,服务无止境!非常感谢国内外专家们毫无保留地分享了自己对甲状腺眼病的诊疗经验和见解,以不懈的努力和敬业的精神为甲状腺眼病诊疗的进步做出贡献。期待通过国内外专家的努力,为甲状腺眼病患者提供更加高质量的医疗服务,造福众多患者。

On the afternoon of February 24, the 2nd Sino-Euro Dialogue - Focus on Hot Topics of Thyroid Eye Disease Global Live Broadcast was successfully held at the Shunde Hospital of Southern Medical University. Prof. Shen Jie, the Medical Director of Shunde Hospital of Southern Medical University, Academic Leader of Endocrinology and Metabolism Division, served as the chairman of the conference. The conference specially invited Prof. Mario Salvi, Head of Graves' Orbitopathy Center from Fondazione Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, and Guidelines Leader of EUGOGO as well as other renowned experts on Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases and Ophthalmology at home to attend the broadcast online or offline. During the conference, Prof. Salvi gave a presentation which centered on "2022 Management of Thyroid Eye Disease: A Consensus Statement by the American Thyroid Association and the European Thyroid Association", and divided it into three parts, based on the management of mild, moderate-severe, and sight-threatening TED. Prof. Wang Weiqing, Director of Department of Endocrinology at Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine shared her experience by delivering a lecture titled “The Evidence of Evidence-based Medicine in the Treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease with Glucocorticoids”; Liu Zhoujun, Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Endocrinology from the Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine shared a lecture titled “Intraorbital Injection Therapy for TAO Patients”; Prof. Li Yushu, Chief Physician of Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases from the First Hospital of China Medical University began her speech by talking about the treatment of a patient diagnosed with very severe TAO, which was thought-provoking. In the end, Prof. Shen Jie gave a lecture on “Early Evaluation of Sight-Threatening Graves' orbitopathy”. After each part of the presentation was finished, experts at home and abroad actively interacted with each other. Prof. Salvi listened carefully online during the whole conference, and answered the questions from the Chinese experts actively and patiently. The webcast was in a warm atmosphere, lasting for about four hours and attracting over 43,000 online viewers. Countries have borders, but health care services don't. Great thanks go to experts at home and abroad who have shared their experience and insights on the treatment of TED without reservation and have made contributions to its advancement with arduous efforts and dedication. It is hoped that through their endeavor, more high-quality medical services will be provided for TED patients so as to benefit more of them. 
