
2023-02-25 21:05:10 广州仁医医疗 109


2月21日下午,华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院携手中德医学协会与仁医医疗成功举办了2023中德高水平医院管理会议。非常感谢中德医学协会理事长、同济医院刘继红院长和同济医院廖家智副书记对此次会议的大力支持和团队的积极参与。刘院长在欢迎词中提到,“它山之石,可以攻玉。”德国医院管理是欧洲医院管理的代表,他们在学科建设、人才培养、医院运营、绩效考核、文化建设和质量管理等领域,所进行的 深入探索,所形成的独到经验,对我们来说都具有深刻的借鉴意义。

On Feb. 21, The Affiliated Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology successfully organized the Sino-German Video Conference on Hospital Management 2023, jointly with Sino-German Medical Society and Gloryren. We deeply appreciate the great support from the President Liu Jihong of Tongji Hospital and SIno-German Medical Society, the Deputy Secretary Liao Jiazhi of Tongji Hospital and the attendance of the whole team. In the welcome address of President Liu, he quoted that ‘stones from other hills may serve to polish jade’, which means, others' opinions may help us improve ourselves. The highlight of European hospital management concept is in German hospitals. They have deeply explored such fields as specialty construction, talent cultivation, hospital management, performance assessment, culture construction and quality control. Their unique experience in these fields is of significant reference to us.

接着,德国Schön Klinik医院集团慕尼黑哈拉兴骨科医院创始院长Michael Mayer教授进行了以《如何高效有序地运营一家医院-德国经验》为题的演讲。Mayer教授指出,对于一家医院来说,成功的关键因素有以下五点:建设优秀的基础设施,提供卓越的医疗服务,制定国际化高规格质量标准,建立高效的流程管理体系以及增强国际竞争力。而高效的流程管理中最重要的一环为打造企业文化,企业文化指的是决定一家医院员工与管理层之间协作和配合度的信念和行为。Mayer教授在讲课最后提到团队协作的工作理念是高效的流程管理的保证,医院的成功取决于团队的建设及职工对医院的认同感和归属感。

Prof. Michael Mayer, the Founding Medical Director of Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching, then delivered a lecture titled ‘How to run a well - organized hospital efficiently - German (personal) perspective’. He pointed out that, for a hospital, the keys to success consist of five aspects - excellent infrastructure, ‘premium medicine’, high international quality standards, process management system and international competitiveness. An essential part of process management system is to create a corporate culture, which refers to the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company’s employees and management interact. At the end of the lecture, Prof. Mayer summarized that cooperative work-philosophy guarantees excellent process management and that team building and corporate identity determine a hospital’s success.


After the lecture session, Prof. Mayer enjoyed a heated discussion with the colleagues on different criteria between Chinese and German public hospitals, the selection of patient outcome measurement indicators under different specialties, the differences in diagnostics and treatment processes between China and Germany and the cooperation between outpatient and inpatient departments.


At the end of the webinar, President Liu made the closing remarks, spoke highly that Harlaching is of great wisdom under Prof. Mayer's management concept, and hoped to have further cooperation with Prof. Mayer and Gloryren in the future.
