
2023-02-13 10:16:02 广州仁医医疗 82


武汉中西医结合骨科医院脊柱外科唐谨医生于1月13日从北京直飞柏林开启柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心6个月的访学之行。唐医生的导师Prof. Stöckle现任该中心行政院长、AO Trauma德国区主席。柏林夏洛特大学综合医院连续多年被美国《新闻周刊》评选为欧洲排名第一的医院。Prof. Stöckle领导的柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心也在《新闻周刊》最佳骨科榜单连续两年被评选为全球第三。

Dr. Tang Jin from the Spine Surgery of Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan Sports University flew from Beijing to Berlin on January 13th, starting his six-month fellowship at Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of Charité . Dr. Tang’s supervisor is Prof. Stöckle, who is the Managing Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of Charité and the President of AO Trauma Germany. Charité is undoubtedly the TOP 1 hospital in Europe, according to multiple international rankings. And the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of it led by Prof. Stöckle has been ranked among the TOP 3 orthopedics-specialized hospitals by the U.S. Newsweek for consecutive 2 years. 

唐医生居住的公寓仅距医院800米,每天步行12分钟即可抵达。科室里的所有医生都非常热情友好。第一天他参与的手术结束的较晚,带教导师Prof. Zahn担心唐医生迷路,亲自带路拿好外套和背包并将他送至院门口,并为唐医生安排了医院单独的休息室,以便有空时可以在这做做研究。日常的手术和门诊工作中,同事们知道唐医生不懂德语,会特地用英语讲解有关步骤和病人情况。我们出国访学的目的:1.了解世界上最好的医院学科是如何高效运营的?2.同一种疾病世界上最好的解决方案是什么?3.提升我们的认知,学会独立思考独立判断。4.我们可以与全世界这个领域的大师一同工作。5.读万卷书行万里路最终可以成为最好的自已。

Dr. Tang takes a 12-minute walk to work everyday as his apartment is only 800 meters away from the hospital. All the doctors in the department are very nice and friendly. On Dr. Tang’s first surgery day, Prof. Zahn, the supervisor, was worried about Dr. Tang getting lost so that he personally walked him to the changing room and entrance of the hospital. They also arranged a exclusive room for Dr. Tang doing scientific research. During daily surgical and outpatient work, the colleagues know that Dr. Tang does not speak German and would specifically explain the steps and details in English for him. The aims of international fellowship are. To learn how specialties are organized in the best hospitals. To know what is the best treatment plan for the same disease. To broaden our horizon and learn how to think independently. To work with world-class experts. And to upgrade ourselves through learning more and practicing more.
