Sino-German Webinar on Trauma Surgery

2023-01-18 15:59:06 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 157


1月13日2023年中德创伤外科视频会议在武汉中西医结合骨科医院(武汉体育学院附属医院)成功举办。李绪贵院长为会议致欢迎词并作总结,创伤骨科凌泽喜主任主持会议,王超群医生任会议翻译。会议邀请柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心行政院长,AO Trauma德国区主席Prof. Stöckle以《髋臼骨折-有什么可以期待?》为题作专题讲座,详细讲解髋臼骨折手术入路的选择及手术技巧,并在讨论环节分享了他在术后负重锻炼时机、髋臼双柱骨折手术入路和内固定物的选择、术中注意事项、血栓防治等方面的见解。随后创伤骨科童飞飞副主任医师和镇万源医师分别作一例胫骨平台骨折和后Pilon骨折病例汇报,病例讨论氛围热烈,教授十分认可凌泽喜主任团队的治疗方案。会议当天,该院脊柱外科唐谨医生顺利抵达柏林。1月16日起,唐医生即将在Prof. Stöckle的指导下进行为期6个月的访问交流。唐医生抵达公寓后马上加入会议与教授在线上进行了简短会面。双方都希望以该院脊柱外科唐谨医生访学项目和创伤骨科王超群医生临床医学博士项目为起点,展开更深层次的合作。感谢李绪贵院长团队对学科建设、人才培养、医院管理的大力支持和国际化视野。

On Jan 13, the Sino-German Webinar on Trauma Surgery was held at Wuhan Orthopaedics Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (The Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan Sports University). The President Li Xugui gave a welcoming speech and closing remarks. The meeting was moderated by Ling Zexi, the Chief of Orthopedic Trauma. Wang Chaoqun from Orthopedic Trauma acted as the interpreter. Prof. Stöckle, the Managing Director of Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery at Charité and the President of AO Trauma Germany, was invited to give a keynote lecture titled Acetabular Fractures - What can we expect? in which he elaborated the choice of surgical approaches as well as the tips and tricks during the operation. He also shared his insights in the timing of postoperative weight-bearing, the selection of surgical approach and implant for two-column fracture, and the management of thrombosis. Dr. Tong Feifei, an Associate Chief Physician, and Zhen Wanyuan, an Attending Physician, from Orthopedic Trauma gave report on cases of tibial plateau fracture and posterior Pilon fracture. On the same day, Dr. Tang Jin from the Spine Surgery arrived in Berlin safely. On Jan 16, Dr. Tang will start his 6-month fellowship at Charité under Prof. Stöckle. After checking in at the apartment, Dr. Tang logged immediately to meet Prof. Stöckle online briefly. Both parties envision further cooperation based on the fellowship project and the M.D. project. Huge support and international vision from President Li Xugui are highly appreciated.


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