Sino-German Global webcast on sports Medicine Specialty Construction

2022-11-10 14:30:05 Guangzhou Gloryren Orthopedics Technology Co., Ltd 90


适逢成都体育学院80周年华诞之际,11月4日中德运动医学学科建设全球直播在成都体育学院附属体育医院成功举办,大会邀请到Schön Klinik国际医院集团创始院长、德国脊柱学会创始主席、欧洲脊柱学会前主席Prof. Mayer视频连线,同时四川省老年医学会骨科专委会、四川省医学会骨科专委会及运动医学专委会多位主任委员、副主任委员亲临现场,共同探讨中德运动医学学科建设及临床热点。会议由成都体育学院运动医学与健康学院副院长,成体附院运动性伤病科主任雷鸣鸣主持,成体附院副院长吴青松致欢迎词。






On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Chengdu Sport University (CDSU), the Sino-German Global Webcast on Sports Medicine Specialty Construction was successfully held at the Affiliated Sport Hospital on Nov 4th. Prof. Mayer, the Founding Medical Director of Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching, Founding President of German Spine Society, former President of EUROSPINE, was invited to give a lecture online. The attendees onsite include Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Committee of Orthopedics of Sichuan Geriatrics Society, the Committee of Orthopedics and the Committee of Sports Medicine of Sichuan Provincial Medical Association. The topic of the meeting is the specialty construction and clinical hot topics of sports medicine in China and in Germany. The meeting was moderated by Lei Mingming, the Vice Dean of the School of Sports Medicine and Health and the Director of the Dept. of Sports Traumatology of the Affiliated Sport Hospital of CDSU. Wu Qingsong, the Vice President of the Affiliated Sport Hospital of CDSU gave a welcome address for opening.

Prof. Mayer gave a lecture with the title of "Sports Medicine in Germany - Definition, Content, Organization, Practice and Science" to give an overview of the sports medicine in Germany. In Germany, an amateur athlete may probably see a general practitioner first if they get a sports injury, after which they will be referred to a hospital or a center focusing on sports medicine. There, they will receive a basic diagnostics at the outpatient or emergency clinic. And then they will be sent to a specific sub-specialized center according to the type of the injury. For example, if a patient suffers from acute sports injury of the spine, after receiving basic diagnostics including imaging diagnostics and performance diagnostics at the outpatients clinic, they will be sent to the spine center for further treatment by the high-level specialists. If a professional athlete is injured, they will be sent directly to the sub-specialized center, which is contacted by their team physician. Therefore, cooperation with clubs and organizations and certification from relevant organizations are important for a hospital to treat professional athletes.

Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching was certified as one of the first FIFA Medical Centers of Excellence in 2007. And it is currently a certified Medical Center of German Paralympic Wintersports Team, an Official Medical Center for Bavarian Olympic Training Base, and long term partner of numerous clubs and organizations including FC Bayern Munich and German Ski Association. More than 30 Olympic and World Champions have been treated there so far.

Prof. Mayer summarized that athletes require a multidisciplinary approach and the treatment of professional athletes is complex due to many non-medical influences on decisions and outcome, including the thoughts from different interested parties. Therefore, individualized procedures and timing and close cooperation with team physicians, Physios, Athletic trainers, psychologists etc. are necessary. Besides, high level sports medicine requires scientific workup and academic cooperation.

After the lecture, top specialists in the field of sports medicine in Sichuan Province including Liao Yuanpeng, Lei Mingming, Yuan Jin, Tang Xin, Xiang Ming, Jin Song, Liu Jinbiao, Fan Haiquan and Han Haijun gave reports concerning the overview of the development of sports medicine as well as their insights into clinical hot topics in the field. During the discussion session, the difference of MDT approach between treating professional athletes and amateur athletes, specialty construction of rehabilitation, roles of anesthesiologists and pain therapists in sports medicine, and the balance of doing sports and health were discussed.

After the discussion, Prof. Li Kainan from the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University, the Chairman of the Committee of Orthopedics of Sichuan Provincial Medical Association gave remarks for the meeting. Prof. Xiong Xiaoming, the Chairman of the Committee of Orthopedics of Sichuan Geriatrics Society and the President of the Affiliated Sport Hospital of CDSU gave a closure to the meeting and an outlook to the future collaboration with the German colleagues. The promo article posted by Gloryren on WeChat received 8,518 clicks and the webcast attracted 64.400 online viewers.


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