Internationalization Strategy of Jiangmen Wuyi Hospital of TCM

2022-10-12 15:17:11 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 59




Last weekend we received an email from Prof. Bähr, the Chair of Neurology at University Medical Center of Göttingen, who is also a fellow of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, a founding member and former President of German Society for Neurosciences,and the Editor-in-Chief of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. He will accept Chen Jianhua as his MD student, from the Dept. of Neurology from Jiangmen Wuyi Hospital of TCM, which is a National Key Specialty. The first heart and brain center in Germany will open by the end of this year. This is a pioneering project in Germany and Prof. Bähr is the Chair of the center. Prof. Bähr will match a good and suitable project for Chen according to the time he will stay. Chen will apply for scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) in March 2023. Each holder will receive a total of RMB 360,000 of funding from CSC.


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