
2022-10-08 14:53:57 广州仁医医疗 119


9月24日贵阳市第四人民医院运动医学科刘文科医生收到了德国驻成都总领事馆临床医学MD博士的多次往返签证。他将在10月16日从成都飞赴法兰克福,再乘高铁到达明斯特大学附属医院。他的导师是德国天才级运动医学专家Herbort教授,他40岁就获得教授资格。他还是慕尼黑骨外科医院的合伙人。该院200张病床,每年12000台骨科手术,大部分是运动医学手术。Herbort教授2019年曾为德国拜仁球队最贵的球星Lucas主刀手术。刘文科医生先去明斯特大学附属医院跟随AO Trauma德国区前主席、德国创伤外科学会前主席Prof.Raschke完成博士论文的科研部份,然后回到慕尼黑骨外科医院系统学习标准化的运动医学的诊疗方案和手术方案。两年后刘文科医生学成归国将成为贵州省第一位运动医学临床医学MD德国博士。未来可期,不负今日!

On Sept. 24th, Doctor Liu Wenke from the Guiyang Fourth People's Hospital got his multiple -entry MD study visa from the German Consulate in Chengdu. He is to set off to Frankfurt from Chengdu by airplane and takes a train to Uni-Hospital Muenster. He is supervised by Prof. Herbort, a talented German Sports Medicine specialist, who qualified as a professor at the age of 40. He is also a partner in the OCM, Orthopedic surgery Center Munich. The hospital has 200 beds and operates 12,000 orthopaedic surgeries per year, mostly for Sports Medicine. Prof. Herbort had performed surgery for Lucas, one of the most valuable players of the FC Bayern Munich, in 2019. Dr. Liu will have his research work done in the lab of Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery, Uni Hospital Münster headed by Prof. Raschke, former President of AO Trauma Germany and former President of the DGU. He will then visit OCM to pursue a standardized approach to Sports Medicine and surgical protocols. Two years later, Dr. Liu will become the first German MD in Sports Medicine in Guizhou Province. A bright future ahead is worthy of wholehearted devotion on today!

