Sino-German Webcast on Foot and Ankle Surgery

2022-09-28 11:24:14 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 113


9月23日下午14:00-17:00,广州中医药大学东莞医院(东莞市中医院)与德国弗伦斯堡迪亚克医院骨科、创伤、手部和整形外科,德国足踝外科学会创始主席Dr. Kai Olms共同召开了2022中德足踝外科全球直播,广州中医药大学东莞医院邓伟均院长致欢迎词,骨七科(足踝、小儿)谢庆祥主任主持会议,骨七科苏博源博士担任会议翻译。

From 14:00 to 17:00, September 23, 2022, Sino-German Webcast on Foot and Ankle Surgery was held at Dongguan Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (Dongguan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital) with Dr. Kai Olms, Founding President of the "Foot surgery foundation" in Germany, and Senior Consultant, Department for Orthopedic- ,Trauma-, Hand- and plastic surgery, Diako Krankenhaus Flensburg. Prof. Deng Weijun, President of Dongguan TCM Hospital, gave a welcome address. Prof. Xie Qingxiang, Director of Foot and Ankle & Pediatric Orthopaedic Department, served as the host, and Deputy Director Dr. Su Boyua served as an interpreter.

Dr. Kai Olms进行了《平足重建》为主题的讲课,讲述平足是一个横跨冠状面,横截面和矢状面的三平面足病,并根据不同平面主导的畸形 进行术式选择与治疗思路的分类讨论。Olms教授也提出平足手术没有金标准,不存在解决所有平足问题的固定术式,需要结合外科医生的个人经验以及病人实际情况来讨论出最好的手术方案。

Dr. Kai Olms gave a lecture on "Flatfoot Reconstruction", and he said the flatfoot deformity is a triplanar foot disease connected with the coronal, transverse and sagittal planes, and discussed about surgical options and treatment plans according to planal dominance. Besides, Dr. Olms said, "there is no 'gold-standard' to flatfoot reconstruction". The surgeons could make the best surgical plan based on the patients' complaint combined with their own experience .

紧接着,谢庆祥主任进行了《骨膜牵张术治疗糖尿病足初探》为题的讲课,分享了糖足治疗的创新术式思路-骨膜牵张技术具有手术时间短,创伤少,术后护理方便的优点,但谢主任也表示新技术治疗糖足的疗效还需要更多病例认证。接着,西南医科大学附属中医院张磊博士后进行了《慢性踝关节外侧不稳的研究进展》为题的讲课,表示ATFL距腓前韧带的解剖学 和生物力学研究 对踝关节扭伤 以及慢性踝关节外侧不稳的诊断、评估、治疗等 有重要的指导意义。

Next, Director Xie Qingxiang gave a speech of "a primary study on periosteal distraction for the treatment of diabetic foot", sharing about innovative surgical idea for the treatment of the diabetic foot-periosteal distraction which has the advantages of shorter surgical time, smaller incision and easier post-op care. However, he also said that more cases are needed to prove the efficacy of this new technique in treating diabetic foot. And then, Prof. Zhang Lei from Hospital (T.C.M) Affiliated To Southwest Medical University gave a speech of "Advances in chronic lateral ankle instability". He stated that the anatomical and biomechanical study of anterior talofibular ligament(ATFL) is an important guidance for diagnosing, evaluating, and treating ankle spain and chronic lateral ankle instability.


What's more, Prof. Zhao Jun, Director of Department of Foot and Ankle and Reconstruction Orthopaedics from Dongguan People's Hospital, gave a speech of "Csae report of high-arched foot reconstruction". Then, all the participants had a heated discussion about pre-operative evaluation, surgical method and post-operative rehabilitation. Last but not least, Prof Xie Qingxiang gave a closing address for the conference. At the end, 2022 Sino-German Webcast on Foot and Ankle Surgery hosted by Dongguan TCM Hospital came to a successful conclusion!


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