
2022-08-11 12:11:17 广州仁医医疗 160


2022年8月5日武汉市第四医院(武汉市骨科医院)与德国哥廷根大学医疗中心创伤外科,骨科与整形外科高级顾问,2022年北京冬残奥会德国首席医疗官,德国足踝外科协会前主席Dr. Stinus共同召开了2022中德足踝外科视频会议。武汉市第四医院足踝外科中心谢鸣主任致欢迎词,黄若昆副主任主持会议,东莞市中医院苏博源博士担任会议翻译。

On August 5th, 2022, Sino-German Video Conference on Foot and Ankle Surgery was held in Wuhan No. 4 Hospital (Wuhan Orthopedics Hospital) with Dr. Stinus, Senior Consultant of Department of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Plastic Surgery of University Medical Center of Göttingen, Chief Medical Officer of of Germany of Beijing 2022 Paralympic Games, and Former President of German Foot and Ankle Surgery Association. Prof. Xie Ming, Director of Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery gave a welcoming address, Deputy Director Huang Ruokun hosted the conference, and Dr. Su Boyuan, Dongguan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, served as the interpreter.


Dr.  Stinus进行了“糖尿病足的治疗理念”为题的讲课,分别讲述了糖尿病足、分型、治疗理念,以及在不同糖足亚型或者症状下如何进行术式选择,展示了治疗思路,同时合并了具体的病例分享。同时,足踝外科中心黄若昆副主任进行了《中足charcot关节炎病例分享》,主治医师刘丰医生进行了《踝关节charcot关节炎病例分享》,病例汇报环节结束之后也进行了糖足不同时期保守治疗与手术治疗方案选择的热烈讨论。最后黄若昆副主任也询问并且借鉴了哥廷根大学医疗中心完成糖足病人的多科室分诊,管理及随访的思路。

Dr. Stinus gave a speech of “Treatment of Diabetic Foot ”, talking about   types, classifications and treatment concept of diabetic foot and how to make surgical plan accordingly and sharing his treatment ideas upon specific cases. Besides, Deputy Director Huang Ruokun, Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery, gave a speech of “Case Report: Charcot Midfoot Deformity”, and Attending Physician Liu Feng gave a speech of “Case Report: Charcot Foot Arthropathy”. After the case report, there was a heated discussion when and how to conduct conservative and surgical treatment when facing different symptoms and stages of diabetic foot. Besides, Deputy Director Huang Ruokun consulted about the MDT strategy, management and follow-up of diabetic foot patients in University Medical Center of Göttingen. 


最后,黄若昆副主任致结束词,希望邀请教授疫情后能来到武汉市第四医院进行面对面交流,Dr. Stinus表示非常荣幸能受邀参与此次会议,也希望能有机会再次回到中国,进行更深度的学术交流。

At the end, Deputy Director Huang Ruokun delivered his closing remarks, and hoped to invite the Professor to come to Wuhan Orthopedics Hospital for a face-to-face meeting after the pandemic. Dr. Stinus expressed it was a great honor to be invited sharing his ideas and hoped to have chances returning to China for more in-depth academic exchanges.



This perfectly concludes the 2022 Sino-German Video Conference on Foot and Ankle Surgery! Thanks to Director Xie Ming, Deputy Director Huang Ruokun and the Foot and Ankle team of Wuhan Orthopedics Hospital for their full support of the conference.

