Sino-German Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Live Broadcast 2022

2022-07-19 17:33:49 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 111


“2022年中德微创脊柱全球直播暨第六届贵阳市脊柱外科实用技术培训班”于7月15日15:00-18:00在贵阳市第四人民医院(贵阳市骨科医院)完美收官。会议特邀Schön Klinik慕尼黑哈拉兴骨科医院创始院长、德国脊柱学会创始主席、‍欧洲脊柱学会前主席Prof.  Mayer分享《颈椎间盘置换术—2022年新进展》。北京大学第三医院韦峰教授讲解了《胸腰椎原发肿瘤整块切除》和陆军军医大学陆军特色医学中心(重庆大坪医院)刘鹏教授讲解了《显微镜辅助对上颈椎后路技术扩展的影响》。每小节讲解完毕,现场医生提问,讲课教授作答。Mayer教授始终在线上认真听课,认真分析,相互互动。贵阳市第四人民医院肖杰主任团队龙浩主任讲解了《脊柱机器人手术,给我们带来了什么?》。Mayer教授认为未来5到10年脊柱机器人手术才会到达成熟期。邹伟主任讲解了《OLIF早期并发症及处理》。1997年Mayer原创了OLIF技术并在柏林首发,这是一项革命性的技术,全球的脊柱医生都在广泛运用这项技术。

Sino-German Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Live Broadcast 2022 & the 6th Spine Surgery Technique Training Course of Guiyang City was held at the Fourth People's Hospital of Guiyang(Guiyang Orthopedics Hospital) from 9:00 to 12:00 A.M., CET, July 15. Prof. Mayer, the Founding Medical Director of Schön Klinik München Harlaching, Founding President of German Spine Society and Former President of EUROSPINE, was specially invited to share a lecture titled "Cervical Disc Arthroplasty - an Update 2022". Prof. Wei Feng who is from the Peking University Third Hospital gave a lecture titled "En bloc Resection of Primary Spinal Tumors" and Prof. Liu Peng who is from the Army Medical Center of Army Medical University (Chongqing Daping Hospital) gave a lecture titled "The Impact of Microscopy on Decision Strategy & Techniques of CVJ Deformity Correction via Posterior Approach". After each session, audiences will raise questions to interact with the professors. And Prof. Mayer was online during the whole conference and also actively interacted with the Chinese specialists. Director Long Hao who is from the team of Director Xiao Jie at the Fourth People's Hospital of Guiyang delivered a lecture titled "Robotic Spine Surgery: What does it bring to us?”. Prof. Mayer shared that robotic-assisted spine surgery is expected to be mature in the next 5 to 10 years. Director Zou Wei also gave a lecture titled "Early Complications and Management of OLIF". OLIF is a revolutionary technique first described by Prof. Mayer in 1997 in Berlin, which is widely used by spine surgeons worldwide now.

整场全球直播3个小时,所有专家始终全程在线。仁医医疗微信公众号近9000阅读量。直播间近5万人次观看。AO Spine同步转播。这是一场真正的中德国际盛会,我们让全球众多国家的医生既可领略大师的风彩,又可以看见中国医院和专家们真正的水平。特别感谢昆明医科大学第二附属医院骨科主任王迎松教授精彩绝伦的翻译。这是深厚的学术基础和语言天赋。只有这种定制化的精品国际会议才可以让中国的医院和医生在国际上更有影响力,并且可以真正促进整个行业发展,更好服务当地百姓。

The global live broadcast lasted 3 hours and all specialists were online during the whole conference. The promotional article on Gloryren’s Wechat official account has attracted nearly 9,000 views. And nearly 50,000 people watched the live broadcast online. AO Spine also promoted the live broadcast on its website. It was an international academic event supported by specialists from Germany and China. It allowed doctors from many countries around the world to meet the spine masters online and to learn the level of Chinese hospitals and specialists. Special thanks go to Prof. Wang Yingsong, Director of Orthopedics Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, for his wonderful translation. The perfect translation owes to his profound knowledge in spine surgery and in English. Only this kind of customized high-quality international conference can make Chinese hospitals and doctors more influential internationally and can truly promote the development of the whole medical industry and better serve the local people.



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