
2024-12-16 17:00:42 广州仁医医疗 36



Gloryren has successfully wrapped up its work in 2024. As a Sino-German joint venture, our greatest strength is cross-platform operations on the Internet. We carried out global promotions across 13 platforms, including WeChat Official Accounts, WeChat Video Channels (in both Chinese and English), Douyin (TikTok), Bilibili, Xiaohongshu, Weibo, Zhihu, our official official website (in both Chinese and English), and Twitter. A total of 960 videos, 298 articles with images, and 48 special articles were published. These materials reached 21.68 million viewers globally. In 2024, 3,983 excellent young doctors from 3,123 hospitals across 218 cities in China reached out to us. These doctors are the spark of Chinese hospitals. As long as there is still a single spark, there is still hope for China's healthcare. From November 16th to 17th, Gloryren successfully hosted the 4th Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management, Specialty Construction & Talent Cultivation in Chongqing, China.Our WeChat Official Account had 58,000 views, and our bilingual live stream was viewed by a total of 296,000 people from 19 countries. The Dept. of International Public Relations sent nearly 20,000 emails to 186 world-renowned experts from 40 specialties across 8 European countries. In January and June, a four-person team from Gloryren traveled from Guangzhou to Munich for a 32-day face-to-face visit with 69 key academic leaders from nearly 32 leading hospitals in Germany. We made two trips to Germany, working directly with top hospitals to help resolve critical challenges faced by Chinese Grade-Three Class-A hospitals and doctors. Fifty world-renowned masters came to Chinese Grade-Three Class-A hospitals as international visiting professors. Forty-eight excellent young doctors went to Germany’s most prestigious university hospitals under the guidance of W3-level professors, carrying out MD and postdoctoral projects. This year, 48 scientific papers were published in top international journals. Throughout the year, we hosted 168 Sino-Euro online meetings, providing guidance to every Chinese Grade-Three Class-A hospital and every excellent doctor. The Dept. of International Public Relations also coached 36 doctors on their English studies and 48 on their research projects. Eighteen excellent young doctors received the Scholarship from China Scholarship Council for Studying Abroad in May 2024.Sixteen Chinese doctors visited Germany’s top hospitals for 3 to 6 month fellowship programs. Over the past six years, we have established in-depth collaborations with 12 fellows of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. In 2024, the Dept. of Marketing of Gloryren paid visits to 156 Grade-Three Class-A hospitals across China, engaging in face-to-face discussions with nearly 5,800 secretaries of the party committee of the hospital, presidents, department heads, administrative leaders, and excellent young doctorson the three major elements of the top-level design, Hospital Management, Specialty Construction and Talent Cultivation. Starting in November, 2024, Chinese Grade-Three Class-A hospitals have pioneered scientific research collaborations with renowned German scientists. This year, we established 24 Sino-German Specialty Communication Centers. China doesn’t lack hospitals; it lacks hospitals with systematic operations. China doesn’t lack doctors; it lacks doctors with a conscience. We aim to accomplish great things—big, truly big things. We believe our work can improve Chinese healthcare, make Chinese hospitals better, and make Chinese doctors better. Only when they improve can the health of the people be truly safeguarded. In December 2024, in Guangzhou, the sunshine is perfect with gentle breeze. Standing at the street corner, our shoulders feel warm. Anyone who has seen the world with open eyes will understand that we have never relied on anyone. Our advantage lies in experts, specialties, research, talents, and English proficiency. We can integrate all valuable medical resources from China and Europe. We can accomplish any difficult task in the world. Gloryren will perform even better in 2025, and we hope to see what the future holds. Each day, we write 3,000 words, dedicating one million words a year to Chinese hospitals.
