Sino-German Video Conference on Scientific Research on Orthopedics

2024-12-10 18:33:27 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 20


为促进骨科学术交流和技术创新,汕头大学医学院第一附属医院中德骨科交流中心于2024年11月29日邀请柏林夏洛特大学综合医院Julius Wolff研究所创始主任、哈佛大学Wyss生物启发工程研究所国际学者Georg Duda教授进行主题演讲(线上),汕头大学医学院附属第一医院骨科胡军教授致辞并主持会议。Duda教授以“影响骨愈合的生物和物理因素”为题,深入探讨骨再生治疗的难点与新进展。其领导的团队聚焦骨愈合早期阶段,发现骨折断面形成血肿后会出现系列炎性反应,若炎性无法正常消退,会阻碍骨再生。通过对大数据的研究,他们发现CD8+TEMRA细胞是关键干扰因子,并尝试使用药物减少其影响,显著改善骨愈合效果。此外,团队研究揭示了血管生成缺陷也是骨愈合失败的重要原因,发现固定方式对血管生成有重要影响。此外,Duda教授还分享了3D生物打印技术的进展,利用HUVEC和hMSC细胞优化了微血管网络打印材料,并介绍了新型粘弹性骨替代支架。这种载体具有优异的应力松弛性能,能够显著提升骨再生效率,目前正进行临床试验。此外,本次会议还邀请了许建坤教授进行题为“骨科中以镁元素植入物在临床使用的科研基础”的演讲。许建坤教授介绍道,镁基可降解金属在骨科中的应用因其生物相容性和成骨活性日渐受到关注。其团队长期研究表明,镁在降解过程中释放镁离子和氢气,能调节骨组织细胞、感知神经和骨膜干细胞的功能。镁离子通过刺激感觉神经释放降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP),促进成骨细胞分化,加速骨折愈合,并显著减少骨纤维化,此外,镁的局部释放和免疫调节机制同样对骨愈合过程发挥重要作用。该研究能够为骨质疏松性骨折等复杂骨病治疗提供新策略,并推动了镁材料的临床转化。会议期间,在场的年轻医生及研究生积极发问,与两位讲者进行深入的探讨,获取了宝贵的建议。视频会议结束之际,胡军教授致谢Duda教授及许建坤教授的精彩学术分享,并表示期待未来双方能开展更加深入的学术交流与合作。本次学术会议开阔国际视野,为骨科学科建设注入了新思路、新动力。汕头大学医学院第一附属医院骨科将继续推动学术国际化发展,促进骨科创新研究及生物材料转化应用。

To promote academic exchanges and technical innovation of orthopedics, the Sino-German Communication Center for Orthopedics of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College invited Prof. Georg Duda, Director of Julius Wolff Institute of Charité–University Medicine Berlin and International Faculty Member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering of Harvard University, to give a special lecture online on November 29th, 2024.Prof. HU Jun from the Department of Orthopedics of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College addressed a welcome speech and moderated the webinar. Prof. Duda gave an in-depth talk entitled "How Biological and Physical Factors Affect Bone Healing" on the difficulties and new improvement of bone regeneration therapy. His team focused on the first two stages of bone healing process, and found that if disorders in the downregulation of inflammation happen after hematoma forms at the surface of fracture, there will be problems in bone healing. With the study on big data, the team proved that CD8+TEMRA cell is a key factor to interfere bone healing. So they did drug trials to reduce these cells so as to improve bone healing. Meanwhile, Prof. Duda's team also discovered from research that the impairment in angiogenesis is also a key reason for bone healing failure, and that rigid and semi-rigid fixation lead to different result of angiogenesis. Moreover, Prof. Duda shared the progress of 3D bio-printing technology of printing vessels with HUVECs and hMSCs to form highly-organized microvascular structures. And he also introduced a new viscoelastic bone fracture scaffold. This kind of scaffold with lower stiffness can efficiently improve bone formation in the scaffold and is now under clinical trials. Following that, this webinar also invited Prof. XU Jiankun to give a lecture on "Scientific Foundation for the Application of Magnesium-based Devices in Orthopedics". According to Prof. XU Jiankun, the application of magnesium-based biodegradable metal in orthopedics is attracting more and more attention due to its properties. According to long-term research, magnesium releases magnesium ions and hydrogen and can regulate the function of cells in the bone, sensory neurons and periosteum-derived stem cells (PDSCs).Magnesium ions can stimulate sensory neurons to release CGRP which has influence on differentiation of PDSCs and accelerates bone healing. And magnesium-based biodegradable metals can also reduce fibrosis significantly. In addition, magnesium's local release and immunomodulatory effects also play key roles in bone healing process. This research will provide novel strategies for treating complex bone diseases, such as osteoporotic fractures, and promote the clinical application of magnesium-based materials. During the webinar, the young surgeons and postgraduates onsite were active in raising questions and having in-depth discussions with the two professors, obtaining valuable advice. At the end of the webinar, Prof. HU Jun thanked Prof. Duda and Prof. XU Jiankun for their wonderful academic sharing and looked forward to deeper academic exchanges and cooperation between both sides. This academic conference broadened the international vision and injected new ideas and new inspirations for the construction of orthopedic specialty. The Department of Orthopedics of the First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College will continuously promote its academic development at an international stage, innovative research in orthopaedics and translational application of biomaterials.


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