每年11月,阳光正好,微风不燥。SEOS来到了中国重庆,来到了我父亲的家乡。当灯光熄灭,音乐轻轻响起,每个人点亮手机的小电筒,随着歌声轻轻摇动手臂,像夜空中繁星点点。我们最先用邓丽君的《恰似你的温柔》致敬我们的先辈,致敬我的父亲。过去两周,亚琛工业大学附属医院大骨科主任、2025欧洲创伤急救外科学会亚琛年会主席、AO创伤董事会成员、2026德国创伤外科学会主席Prof. Hildebrand去了北京积水潭医院工作。奥斯纳布吕克医院骨科与运动医学科主任、2024巴黎奥运会德国队首席医疗官助理兼骨科与运动医学科首席队医、2025德语区国家运动骨科与创伤外科学会主席Prof. Grim和柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心行政院长、AO Trauma德国区主席、2025德国创伤外科学会主席Prof. Stöckle去了深圳市第二人民医院工作。美国外科学院院士、慕尼黑大学附属医院胸外科主任Prof. Hatz去了苏北人民医院工作。德国国家科学院院士、哥廷根大学医疗中心心脑中心主任Prof. Bähr,慕尼黑大学附属医院手外科、整形外科与整容外科主任、欧洲整形外科、重建外科与整容外科学会主席Prof. Giunta和英国皇家麻醉学院院士、亚琛工业大学附属医院外科重症监护与中期照护科主任、2025德国麻醉学与重症监护医学学会主席Prof. Marx去了中南大学湘雅医院。三位关键学术领袖与张欣书记团队举行了闭门会议,参观了百年红楼,并到各自科室与团队沟通互动。我们国际公共关系部门非常漂亮的女同事化着美妆,说着非常流利的英文,一天飞一个城市。每天深夜不眠不休,清晨迎接天边的鱼肚白。我们用了音乐教父罗大佑的《你的样子》为2024国际客座教授工作完美收官。2025年11月15日至16日第五届中欧医院管理学科建设人才培养全球论坛将在中国杭州盛大启幕。我们用了丹麦乐队的《Take me to your heart 》让全世界可以看见不一样的杭州。晚宴谢幕,我们用了1915年弘一法师的经典名曲《送别》。无限循环,喃喃话别。我们照了大合影,我们感恩感谢,感恩每一位来到重庆,感恩每一位愿意为中国医疗出力,感恩每一位愿意为我们伟大的祖国出力。我们就是要把这种信念坚持下来,深耕胸中。我就是要这个世界有一束光为我而打,我就是要有一个舞台为我而亮,我就是要这个世界上有一些人为我而来,这非常非常重要。良辰美景奈何天?青山白水,后会有期。
Each November is wonderful with warm sunshine and gentle breeze. This year, the SEOS was held in my father’s hometown, Chongqing, China.When the lights turned off, and the music played softly, everyone turned on the flashlight of their phones and waved to the music, like stars twinkling in the night sky.We first paid tribute to our predecessors, to my father with the song Just Like Your Tenderness by Teng Li-Chun, an Chinese artist.In the past two weeks, Prof. Hildebrand, Director of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, UniKlinik RWTH Aachen, President of European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2025 Aachen, a Board Member of AO Trauma and President-elect of the German Society for Trauma Surgery 2026 worked as an international visiting professor at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. Prof. Grim, Head of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, Osnabrück Hospital, Assistant Chief Medical Officer and Head of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine for the German Team during the Paris Olympic Games 2024 and President-elect of the German-Austrian-Swiss Society for Orthopaedic-Traumatological Sports Medicine 2025 and Prof. Stöckle, Managing Director of Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of Charité, President of AO Trauma Germany and President of the German Society for Trauma Surgery 2025, worked as an international visiting professor at Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital.Prof. Hatz, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the Director of Thoracic Surgery of University Hospital of Munich, worked as an international visiting professor at Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital.Prof. Bähr, a Fellow of German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Director and Chairman of Neurology and Director of Heart & Brain Center Göttingen of University Medical Center Göttingen, Prof. Giunta, Director of Hand-, Plastic- and Aesthetic Surgery of University Hospital of Munich, President of the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and Prof. Marx, a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Head of Surgical Intensive Care Medicine and Intermediate Care at UniKlinik RWTH Aachen, President of the German Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine 2025 visited Xiangya Hospital of Central South University.The three key academic leaders attended an internal meeting organized by the team of Prof. ZHANG Xin, the Secretary of Party Committee of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University. They visited the centennial red building in the campus and went to corresponding departments to discuss and interact with the teams.The colleagues in the Dept. of International Public Relations of Gloryren wear make-up and speak fluent English. During the last weeks, they flew to different cities everyday, worked tirelessly until late into the night and greeted the first light of dawn in the early morning.We used the song The Way You Look by Tayo Lo, who is known as the Godfather of music in China, to make a perfect conclusion of the International Visiting Professorship 2024. The 5th Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management, Specialty Construction & Talent Cultivation will have its grand opening from November 15 to November 16, 2025 in Hangzhou, China. We also used the song Take me to your heart by a Danish band to present a different Hangzhou to the world.At the end of the banquet, we played the classic signature song Farewell in 1915 by Master Hongyi in a single loop and whispered farewells to each other.We took a group photo. We are grateful to everyone who came to Chongqing, grateful to everyone willing to contribute to the healthcare system in China, and grateful to everyone willing to lend their strength to our great motherland.. We will uphold this belief and root it deeply within our hearts. All I want is that there is a beam of light especially lighting up for me, that there is a stage specially set up for me and that there are people especially coming up for me. This is very, very important.Why does Heaven give us brilliant days and dazzling sights, yet not enough time to spend together? The green mountains remain unchanged, the clear waters continue to flow, and we will meet again.