
2024-10-28 14:56:22 广州仁医医疗 19


10月18日,汕头市人民医院成立暨汕头市疾控中心新址启用仪式在医院门诊大楼前举行,本次仪式由汕头市副市长李钊同志主持,汕头市市委书记温湛滨同志等领导以及国内著名心血管专家胡大一院士、中国创伤骨科领军人物王满宜教授、潮医智库总发起人林曙光教授、广东医院协会黄力会长等省内外专家出席本次会议,共同见证汕头市第二人民医院、汕头市第三人民医院两所百年老院,深度融合,优势互补,砥砺前行的历史时刻。广州仁医医疗作为本次活动唯一一家受邀参与医院高质量发展合作项目签约仪式的企业,将为医院提供国际化的高层次人才培养方案,为医院打造“大综合、强专科、应突发、重科研”三级甲等医院的目标增砖添瓦。on October 18th, the Establishment Ceremony of Shantou People's Hospital and the Opening Ceremony of the new location of Shantou Center for Disease Control and Prevention were held in front of the Outpatient Building of the Shantou People's Hospital.This ceremony was moderated by LI Zhao, Deputy Mayor of Shantou City,and was attended by WEN Zhanbin, Municipal Party Secretary of Shantou City, other municipal leaders, Prof. HU Dayi, an academician of the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) and well-known cardiovascular expert in China, Prof. WANG Manyi, a leading figure of orthopedic trauma of China, Prof. LIN Shuguang, General Organizer of the Chaoshan Medical Think Tank, Prof. HUANG Li, President of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital Association, and other experts from inside and outside of Guangdong Province.They witnessed the memorable moment of the deep integration, complementation of each other's advantages, and striving forward of the Second People's Hospital of Shantou and the Third People's Hospital of Shantou, two hospitals with hundreds years of history in Shantou City.Gloryren is the only enterprise invited to the Signing Ceremony of the High-quality Development Cooperation Projects of the hospital.We will provide the hospital with international programs for high-level talents cultivation,and make contributions to the goal of the hospital to build a Grade III Class A hospital that is "comprehensive, responsive to emergency, with advanced specialties and emphasis on scientific research".
