
2024-09-25 18:00:50 广州仁医医疗 28



On November 13th, Prof. Marx, Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, Head of Intensive Care Medicine and Intermediate Care at Uni Klinik RWTH Aachen, President of the German Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI), and Chair of Innovation Centre for Digital Medicine in Aachen, will fly to Shanghai, China from Frankfurt.On November 15th, he will fly to Chongqing City to attend the 4th Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management, Specialty Construction, and Talent Cultivation. Prof. Marx is an international authority in telemedicine and e-health.The team he led has accumulated abundant experience in multi-disciplinary projects, responsible for coordinating the cooperation among the academic community, clinical researchers, and partners in the sector. As the main contributor of the Horizon 2020 research consortium “Smart4Health” of the EU, he has been dedicated to promoting the collection, management, sharing, and donation of health-related data across Europe. In 2024, Doctor LIU Changzhi from Shunde Hospital of Southern Medical University and Doctor HU Jianxiong from the Affiliated Hospital of Putian Universitywent to the Intensive Care Medicine and Intermediate Care at Uni Klinik RWTH Aachen as visiting fellows one after another. The study of the relevant techniques of intensive care and intermediate care has brought them a profound benefit in the promotion and inspiration for their clinical work.The Intensive Care Medicine and Intermediate Care at Uni Klinik RWTH Aachen is one of the biggest departments of the hospital, accommodating seven wards and around 130 beds. It provides Interdisciplinary Care, including sectors like severe trauma and weaning from mechanical ventilation.In addition, the department has more than 150 publications in high-impact journals every year. Its Telemedicine Center provides over 1,000 teleconsultations for local hospitals every year, making it the pioneer in the E-medicine research area.During Prof. Marx’s visit to Chongqing this time, he will take the role of European Presidium of the 4th Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management, Specialty Construction, and Talent Cultivation. Together with the medical directors of China’s Grade Three Class A hospitals, leaders of various specialties, heads of admin departments, and promising young doctors,he will discuss the management of hospitals and the future trends for the development of innovative digital medicine.H
