An Honorable Visit to Chongqing of Prof. Stöckle - World-Class Master for Trauma Surgery

2024-09-20 17:59:45 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 13


11月9日柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心行政院长、AO Trauma德国区主席、德国创伤外科学会2025年主席Stöckle教授将从柏林飞往香港,并于11月11日起,联合深圳市第二人民医院大骨科主任、AO亚太区前任主席王满宜教授及深圳市第二人民医院创伤骨科主任张胜利教授开展为期一周的客座教授活动。11月15日,Stöckle教授和王满宜教授将飞往重庆参加第四届中欧医院管理学科建设人才培养全球论坛并担任大会主席,他们将共同主持学科建设环节。作为AO Trauma地区主席,Stöckle教授和王满宜教授多年来致力于AO教育理念在德国和中国的普及,通过各种高质量、不间断的学术活动,使年轻医生学习并掌握先进的学术理念和手术技巧,造福更多病患。更牵头主导广泛开展国际交流合作,与国际同道分享带有中德两国特色的经验,共同推动创伤治疗技术的进步,为全球患者提供更安全、更高效的医疗服务。本次会议特别设置骨科与创伤外科学科建设环节,邀请到中德两位骨科大师亲临现场,与中国三甲医院院长、相关学科带头人、行政部门负责人、优秀青年医生共同探讨骨科与创伤外科顶层设计的国际方案。

On November 9, Prof. Stöckle, the Managing Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of Charité, President of AO Trauma Germany and President-elect of the German Society for Trauma Surgery 2025, will take flights from Berlin to Hongkong.Together with Prof. WANG Manyi, Director of Orthopedics of Shenzhen Second’s People’s Hospital, past President of AO Asia Pacific,and Prof. ZHANG Shengli, Director of Orthopedic Trauma of Shenzhen Second’s People’s Hospital, Prof. Stöckle will carry out a one-week visiting professorship activity from November 11.On November 15, both Prof. Stöckle and Prof. Wang will take a flight to Chongqing to attend the 4th Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management, Specialty Construction and Talent Cultivation as congress presidents and co-moderate the session for specialty construction.As Regional Presidents of AO Trauma, Prof. Stöckle and Prof. Wang have been committed to promoting the AO concepts in Germany and China for years. With various high-quality and constant educational activities, they enable and motivate young surgeons to learn and master advanced concepts and surgical techniques, benefiting more patients. They also take the lead in organizing extensive and intensive international exchanges and cooperation, share experiences in trauma care with international colleagues that embody the characteristics of communities of China and Germany, and jointly promote the advancement of field, providing safer and more efficient care for patients worldwide.A special session for the development of orthopedics and trauma surgery is set up and we have the honor to have two Masters in the field from China and Germany to co-moderate the session,to discuss the international plan for the top-level design for the development of orthopedics and trauma surgery.


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