
2024-09-12 14:24:48 广州仁医医疗 28


9月2日至9月6日,世界骨肿瘤大师Donati教授到访深圳市第二人民医院担任客座教授一周。Donati教授是意大利博洛尼亚里佐利骨科研究所骨肿瘤科主任、肌肉骨骼组织库创始人之一,他的导师是世界著名骨肿瘤大师Mario Campanacci教授。8月31日Donati教授从米兰乘机直飞到深圳,Donati教授对这座活力满满、绿意盎然的城市充满好奇心,他表示非常期待在深圳的一周。在周一的欢迎仪式上,深圳市第二人民医院曾晖书记、杨雷副院长、骨肿瘤科主任张世权教授、骨肿瘤科团队以及医院其他医护技术骨干等出席欢迎仪式,对远道而来的Donati教授表示热烈的欢迎,并共同举办了“中欧骨肿瘤交流中心”揭牌仪式。随后,Donati教授通过学术讲座、专家门诊、手术指导、疑难病例讨论等形式与深圳市第二人民医院骨肿瘤科团队开启了一周的深入交流,分享了其几十年来在骨肿瘤的诊疗经验,分享学术话题有骨盆肿瘤以及骨盆假体定制、骨转移瘤手术治疗、骨与软组织肿瘤的保肢治疗的最新进展等等。Donati教授还通过介绍里佐利骨科研究所几十年来骨肿瘤中心的发展历程来分享其在骨肿瘤科室的管理经验。他分享到在80年代骨肿瘤中心旨在拯救患者生命,到90年代希望继续改进,做到更好,到2000年-2010年希望避免并发症,而后发展到现在的个性化时代,致力于为每位患者提供最佳的诊疗方案。教授表示一个良好运行的骨肿瘤科室需要有多年来在骨肿瘤方面积累了的丰富经验;每年可治疗近100个病例;团队可熟练掌握多种不同设备来进行不同手术;进行病例回顾和教学活动;进行多学科团队合作以及能够与其他国内和国际骨肿瘤中心建立联系。Donati教授在交流的最后一天表示,骨肿瘤是一个有挑战性的亚专科,这份事业需要投入一生的热情才能坚持下去。临别之际,张世权主任及其骨肿瘤团队对Donati教授一周的指导表示衷心的感谢,并希望未来能邀请Donati教授再次到访深圳。 

From Sept 2nd to Sept 6th, Prof. Donati, the World-class Master on Bone Tumor, visited Shenzhen Second People's Hospital as a visiting professor for one week. Prof. Donati is the Head of the Orthopaedic Oncology Unit and was among founders of the Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank of Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute Bologna, Italy. And his mentor was the well-known World-class Master on Bone Tumor - Prof. Mario Campanacci. On August 31st, Prof. Donati took a direct flight from Milan to Shenzhen. Prof. Donati was full of curiosity about this vibrant and green city, and was very looking forward to the one-week visit in Shenzhen.Party Secretary ZENG Hui, Vice President YANG Lei, Director of Dept. Of Bone Tumor Prof. ZHANG Shiquan, the bone tumor team and other medical staff of Shenzhen Second People's Hospital attended the welcome ceremony on Monday, giving a warm welcome to Prof. Donati and jointly holding the unveiling ceremony for the "Sino-Euro Communication Center for Bone Tumor”.Afterwards, Prof. Donati started a week of in-depth exchanges with the team of Dept. Of Bone Tumor of Shenzhen Second People's Hospital through a series of activities, like academic lectures, specialist outpatient clinics, surgical guidance, and discussion of difficult cases, etc., sharing his decades of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of bone tumors. The academic topics shared included pelvic tumors and the customization of pelvic prostheses, surgical treatment of bone metastasis, and the latest progress in limb salvage surgery of bone tumor, etc. Prof. Donati also shared his experience in the management of the Bone Tumor Department by introducing the development history of the Bone Tumor Center at Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute over the decades. He shared that in the 80's the Bone Tumor Center aimed to save patients' lives, in the 90's it made improvements so as to do it better, from 2000 to 2010, it aimed to avoid complications, and now it has developed into the personalized age, which is dedicated to providing the best treatment plan for each patient. Prof. Donati shared that a well-functioning Bone Tumor Department should have solid experience in bone tumor gained over the years; be able to treat almost 100 cases per year; have a team that has the ability of operating with many different devices; conduct case reviewing and teaching activities; have multidisciplinary collaborations available and have connection with other main oncology orthopaedic centres (nationally and internationally).Prof. Donati said on the last day of the exchange that bone tumor is a challenging sub-specialty, a career that requires a lifelong passion to work on. At the end of the visit, Director ZHANG Shiquan and his bone tumor team expressed their heartfelt thanks to Prof. Donati for his guidance during the week and hoped to invite Prof. Donati to visit Shenzhen again in the future.  
