
2024-09-03 17:56:34 广州仁医医疗 57


8月26日至8月30日,世界脊柱肿瘤大师、WBB系统创始人Boriani教授到访江门市中心医院担任客座教授一周。Boriani教授是意大利博洛尼亚大学骨科研究生课程脊柱外科教授、里佐利骨科研究所脊柱肿瘤与退行性脊柱外科前主任。他的导师是Mario Campanacci教授,是骨肿瘤研究和分类的先驱者,是一位杰出的科学家和骨科外科医生。1984年,Boriani教授在他的导师Campanacci教授的指导下,开始了研究脊柱肿瘤的职业生涯。他在此领域有超过30多年的经验,至今已研究了超2000例病例,为脊柱肿瘤的研究奉献了毕生的精力。在江门市中心医院访问一周内,Boriani教授在党委书记黄炎明、党委副书记、院长阮晓红、党委委员、副院长赵景林、脊柱骨科负责人原向伟、脊柱骨科主任医师付兆宗以及脊柱骨科科室成员的带领和陪同下开展了一系列学术交流活动,包括专家门诊、查房教学、疑难病例讨论、手术指导、脊柱肿瘤大师公开课等。交流期间,Boriani教授特别分享了脊柱脊索瘤、骶骨脊索瘤以及脊柱转移瘤的诊疗经验。他对江门市中心医院的脊柱骨科团队接连称赞,科室成员的英语非常流利,气氛活跃欢快,大家都积极与教授互动交流,共同探讨脊柱肿瘤以及其他脊柱疾病的诊疗经验。Boriani教授表示脊柱肿瘤虽然是罕见病,但在有五百万人口的江门里,脊柱肿瘤患者并不是这么不常见,希望他的分享能够给江门市中心医院脊柱骨科团队带来实际的帮助,为他们的脊柱肿瘤的发展带来新的启发。期待双方未来能有机会再聚,共同为提高江门地区的脊柱肿瘤的诊疗水平贡献出一份力量。

From August 26th to 30th, Prof. Boriani, a World-class Master of Spinal Tumor who had developed the WBB staging system, was invited to Jiangmen Central Hospital as a visiting professor for one week. Prof. Boriani is the Professor of Spine Surgery of the post-graduate Program of Orthopedics at the University of Bologna at IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and the Past Head of the Unit of Spine Oncology and Degenerative Surgery at IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute. His mentor was Prof. Mario Campanacci, a pioneer in the study and classification of bone tumors, and also an excellent scientist and orthopedic surgeon.In 1984, under the guidance of Prof. Companacci, Prof. Boriani started his work on spinal tumors.He has dedicated his life to the study of spinal tumors with over 30 years of experience and over 2000 cases studied to date.During the one-week visit to Jiangmen Central Hospital, Prof. Boriani carried out a series of academic exchanges led and accompanied by the Party Secretary HUANG Yanming, Deputy Party Secretary and President RUAN Xiaohong, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President ZHAO Jinglin, Acting Director of Spine Surgery YUAN Xiangwei, Chief Physician of Spine Surgery FU Zhaozong and the team of Spine Surgery,including outpatient clinic, ward rounds, complex case discussions, surgical guidance, and Spinal Tumor Master Open Lectures.During the academic exchange, Prof. Boriani particularly shared his experience in the diagnosis and treatment of the chordoma of the spine and the sacrum, and spinal metastases.He praised the Spine Surgery team of Jiangmen Central Hospital. The team can communicate in fluent English, which contributes to the cheerful atmosphere. All of them actively interacted with Prof. Boriani and discussed the diagnosis and treatment experience of spinal tumors and other spinal diseases.Prof. Boriani noted that although spinal tumors are rare diseases, they are not so uncommon in Jiangmen, which has a population of five million.He hoped that his sharing would bring practical help to the Spine Surgery team of Jiangmen Central Hospital and bring new inspiration for their study of spinal tumors.Prof. Boriani expected that both parties would have the opportunity to meet again in the future and jointly contribute to improving the diagnosis and treatment level of spinal tumors in the Jiangmen area.
