The investment with the highest return rate is to invest in yourself

2024-08-27 18:13:14 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 24


中国有480万医生,到目前为止只有微乎其微的医生可以拿到德国的奖学金,德国实验室招税后1000欧一月的博士生,那分明不是读博,那就是去干活呀,7.5分雅思口语,科研顶尖水平,在顶级刊物有多篇文章,还得围绕着別人的研究计划高强度工作,哪管你有没有兴趣?中国有这种水平的医生,早就是国内外博士和博士后了, 这哪是招博士呀,这分明就是招工,一旦中途科研出现任何问题,随时可以让你离开。德国大学实验室用最少的钱甚至不出任何钱浪费你5年人生最宝贵的时间,究竟谁占了大便宜?这是一个商业社会,商业的本质是什么? 商业的本质就是利益交换,最有价值的东西,你就必须先付钱,你有什么价值?可以让你又无需付钱,别人还白白给你想要的好处。这个世界压根就不可能有这种好事。你只有付了钱,有价值的东西才会属于你。我们每一个人这一生都会赚到这笔钱,投资不如投自己, 任何人你只有为自己投了钱,你才有压力,你才有动力,你才能拿到大结果。不是每一个幸运的医生都可以拿到进入顶级学术圈的入场券。你只有拿到这个入场券,你将来才有资格成为优秀医生甚至成为顶级医生,这是认知,这也是机会。再过10年,中国将有4亿老年人,优秀医生才是稀缺职业。只有优秀医生和顶级医生才会有钱有名有未来。

There are 4.8 million licensed physicians in China, but only a very few won scholarships in Germany so far.Many laboratories in Germany offer 1000 euros a month after tax for employed doctoral students, which is not truly about research or further education, but more about employment.They demand an IELTS speaking score of 7.5, top level in scientific research, publications in top journals, and the ability to complete intensive work around others’ research projects, without considering whether you're interested in them or not.Doctors in China who could meet these criterions would have been doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers at home and abroad. This is not about doctoral recruitment; it's clearly labor recruitment,and if there is any problem during the research, you could be fired any time.Universities laboratories in Germany cost the most valuable 5 years of your life with minimal or even no financial support. In the end, who take advantage of the great bargain?We live in a commercial society and what’s the essence of commerce? It is the exchange of benefits. To get the most valuable thing, you have to pay for it first.What’s value do you have so that you don’t have to pay and get what you want from others for free?There is no such good thing in this world, only when you pay, can valuable things belong to you.Each of us will earn this money in our lifetime. The investment with the highest return rate is to invest in yourself.Only when you invest in yourself, can you have pressure and motivation, and then achieve significant outcomes.Not every doctor be fortunate enough to can get a ticket to the top academic community.It is this ticket that qualifies you as an excellent or even a top doctor in the future, which is a recognition, also an opportunity for you.In another decade, there will be 400 million people over the age of 60 in China, making excellent doctors a limited access to patients,that is, only excellent doctors and top doctors will have money, fame and a promising future.


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