Internationalization development strategy of Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital

2024-09-25 18:19:59 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 15


江苏省苏北人民医院是扬州地区历史最久、规模最大、功能最全的三级甲等综合性医院。这家医院承担着扬州及毗邻地区近千万人口的医疗和保健任务。近年来,该院领导班子在党委书记束余声的带领下高度重视医院管理学科建设及人才培养。坚持“引进来,走出去”的人才培养策略,对标国际顶级医院。2023年该院脊柱外科主任冯新民团队与世界微创脊柱大师、Schön Klinik国际医院集团创始院长Mayer教授共同召开中德微创脊柱外科视频会议。2024年6月18日该科黄吉军副主任医师前往Schön Klinik慕尼黑哈拉兴骨科医院跟随业务院长Mehren教授、脊柱外科主任及欧洲脊柱外科学会(EUROSPINE)秘书长Siepe教授开展为期三个月的交流访学。2024年8月21日该院胸外科主任陆世春将从上海直飞慕尼黑。他将跟随慕尼黑大学附属医院胸外科主任、美国国家外科学院院士Hatz教授团队进行为期三个月的交流访学。11月15日,陆主任将与Hatz教授一起从慕尼黑飞往重庆,参加第四届中欧医院管理学科建设人才培养全球论坛。Hatz教授将于11月18日至22日在苏北人民医院开展为期一周的国际客座教授学术交流活动。Hatz教授将于11月18日至22日在苏北人民医院开展为期一周的国际客座教授学术交流活动。医院的核心是医生,医院只有重视医院管理、学科建设、人才培养,并为每一位医生的职业生涯做好规划,才可服务好医生。只有服务好医生,病人的福祉才得以保障。只有服务好病人,一家医院才可以成为这座城市人民心中好的医院。苏北人民医院党委书记束余声将参加第四届中欧医院管理学科建设人才培养全球论坛并任大会中国区主席,他将与欧洲顶级大学医院院长共同讨论中欧医疗重要议题。

Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital is the oldest, largest and most functional Grade III A general hospital in Yangzhou.This hospital undertakes the medical treatment and healthcare for nearly ten million people in Yangzhou and its adjacent areas.In recent years, under the leadership of the Secretary of the Party Committee SHU Yusheng, the hospital executives attach great importance to hospital management, specialty construction and talent cultivation.Adhering to the talent cultivation strategy of "Bringing In and Going Global", the hospital has set internationally top hospitals as its benchmark.In 2023, the team of Prof. FENG Xinmin, Director of Dept. of Spine Surgery, with Prof. Mayer, the world-class minimally invasive spine surgery master and the Founding Medical Director of Schön Klinik Muenchen Harlachingheld a Sino-German Video Conference of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.On June 18th, 2024, Dr. HUANG Jijun, Associate Chief Physician of the Department, went to the Schön Klinik Muenchen Harlaching for a three-month fellowship under the guidance of Prof. Mehren, the Deputy Medical Director, and Prof. Siepe, Head of the Spine Center and Secretary General of EUROSPINE. On August 21st, 2024, Prof. LU Shichun, Director of Dept. of Thoracic Surgery, will fly directly from Shanghai to Munich.He will be on a three-month fellowship and follow the team of Prof. Hatz, Director of Dept. of Thoracic Surgery at the University Hospital of Munich and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). With Prof. Hatz, Director Lu will fly from Munich to Chongqing on November 15th to attend the 4th Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management Specialty Construction & Talent Cultivation.From 18th to 22nd of November, Prof. Hatz is going to carry out a one-week visiting professorship for academic exchanges at the Northern Jiangsu People’s Hospital.Doctors are the core of a hospital. A hospital should pay great attention to its management, specialty construction and talent cultivation, and plan for the career of each doctor in order to serve them well. Only by doing this, can the well-being of patients be guaranteed.A hospital can only become a good hospital in the eyes of the people of this city by offering sufficient patient care. Prof. SHU Yusheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital, will take part in the 4th Sino-Euro Global Forum on Hospital Management Speciality Construction & Talent Cultivation as one of the Local Presidents,and be with the Presidents of European top university hospitals to discuss the important issues of healthcare in China and Europe.


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