
2024-07-16 16:00:07 广州仁医医疗 46


世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings)是由英国一家国际教育市场咨询公司Quacquarelli Symonds(简称QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名。但也因具有过多主观指标和商业化指标而受到批评。这家QS公司主要帮助英美的一些大学做排名,让这些大学更好在全世界捞钱。它就是商业行为而非学术行为。一个民族最大的敌人就是愚昧和无知。其实所谓的世界大学排名,就是美国的利益集团,通过某些机构做大学排名,为他们的大学和他们小弟的大学在全世界收割富人和中产找一个合理合法的捞钱的手段,美国的大学除了捞钱就是捞钱。美国每所大学每年学费高达60万人民币。这还不算捞钱?德国的大学却是免费的。你再会包装也有知道真相的人。真正懂学术有认知的人是从来不会看这些排名,世界大学排名就是掩耳盗铃又根本没有任何意义。但是中国医院人事部门在招人时只看世界大学排名,是他们的愚昧和无知,是因为他们这些人压根不懂,他们甚至连中国大门都没有出去过几次。国际学术圈的生态他们更是闻所未闻。中国医院行政部门就是个藏污纳垢的地方,他们有什么资格把中国医院真正需要的优秀医生拒之门外?如果中国医院行政部门不改变认知,中国医院就不可能变得更好。医院行政部门本来是服务医生的部门,他们不是高高在上,无知无理的地方。哥廷根大学在QS的排名很低,所以很多中国医生只相信QS排名,这是蠢,这是愚昧,这是无知。我们这次来哥廷根大学医疗中心,五年时间我们已来了三次。四天时间,我们见到了德国国家科学院士、各学科关键学术领袖和世界上著名科学家团队,他们从全球五湖四海的大城市汇集到了这个中世纪浪漫小城哥廷根,开启了他们人生真正的传奇篇章。这里还有世界上鼎鼎有名的马普研究所和哥廷根科学院以及全德国第一个且唯一一个心脑中心。这就是世界上真正的学术重镇。在这里工作的许多教授他们都是可以改变这个世界的人。放眼世界,改变认知,心怀感恩,你才可能知道世界上真正顶级学术圈是什么样子。

QS World University Rankings are annual world university rankings compiled by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), an international education analytics firm originally founded in the UK. But it is also criticized for including too many subjective and commercial indicators. QS company mainly compile rankings for English and American universities to facilitate them to dredge for money all over the world. It works for the commercial profits but not academic study. The most threatening enemy for a nation is ignorance. Actually, the so-called 'world university rankings' are created by American interest groups via institutions to reasonably and legally dredge for money for their universities from the rich and the middle class worldwide. American universities are built for nothing but to earn money. The annual tuition fee of every American university is up to 600,000 CNY. This is apparently dredging for money. On the contrary, universities in Germany are free of charge. Even if you cover the facts as much as you can, there will always be someone who know the truth. People who really know about the academic world never focus on the rankings, because the rankings are only to delude those who care and are totally meaningless. But personnel departments of Chinese hospitals only care about the university rankings when recruiting doctors out of their ignorance. They even barely go abroad, not to mention knowing anything about the international academic community. Administrative departments of Chinese hospitals serve only as a shelter for ignorant people and practice. How dare they turn away the excellent doctors whom Chinese hospitals really need! If administrative departments of Chinese hospitals do not change their attitudes, there is no way for them to improve. Administrative departments of hospitals should serve the doctors, but not act in a superior or unreasonable way. The University of Göttingen ranks relatively low in QS World University rankings but actually has great reputation. So it's foolish and ignorant of many Chinese doctors to only believe in QS rankings. This time, we came to visit the University Medical Center Göttingen. We have visited here for three times in five years. In the four days in Göttingen, we met with fellows of German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, key academic leaders of all specialties, and scientists teams well-known in the world. They gather from big cities worldwide to Göttingen, the medieval romantic city, and start the real legend of their lives here. Here also locate the worldly renowned Max Planck Institutes, Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and the first and only Heart and Brain Center in Germany. It is the genuine key academic city in the world. Lots of professors working here are the ones who can change this world. Have global thinking, change the attitude, and be grateful, then you would be able to see what the top academic community is really like.
