
2024-07-05 18:05:47 广州仁医医疗 39


6月24日至6月28日,德国国家科学院院士、哥廷根大学医疗中心神经内科主任Bähr教授第二次到访江门市五邑中医院,展开为期一周的客座教授活动。在五邑中医院党委书记张灵、院长章光华、副院长余尚贞、脑病科主任石青及脑病科团队的领导和陪同下,Bähr教授面向全院各科在读博士生及在站博士后举行了一场科研专题研讨会、在脑病科内部展开了一场多发性硬化症最新诊疗进展学术讲座、连续三天在示教门诊为病人提供咨询的同时为科室年轻医生提供培训。除了临床交流、科研指导、科室内部培训外,Bähr教授在6月27日以院内人才培养为主题举行了“德国国家科学院院士2024中国行公开课”, 剖析他20余年来作为科室主任、哥廷根大学理事会成员、哥廷根大学医疗中心董事会成员对人才的招聘、筛选、培养、内部晋升的看法。6月28日访问结束后,江门市五邑中医院脑病科为Bähr教授的两次访问举办了总结会议。Bähr教授在总结中提到,比起他2023年11月初次访问,他看到脑病科团队,尤其是年轻医生各方面都大有进步。在这一周的交流中,他感受到在上次访问中要求年轻医生重点加强的神经系统功能定位检查及影像读片技能都普遍提高。年轻医生在病例展示、门诊病人病史采集及汇报都做了精心的准备工作,在门诊和科室内部的病例讨论都积极提问、参与,展现出了年轻一代应有的积极上进的精神风貌。同时他高度肯定脑病科在副院长余尚贞及主任石青领导下的发展方向:临床诊疗中西医并重;科研方面用西医的影像设备、实验方法证明传统中医的临床功效;同时选送优秀医生到海外进行访学、博士学习。Bähr教授对该科陈健华医生寄予厚望,希望他好好把握在哥廷根攻读博士的时间,回国后不负医院的期望,进一步提高医院的医教研水平。余尚贞教授强调,科室团队不仅要在专业水平上多向Bähr教授学习,更要学习他高尚的医德医风、对年轻医生的关爱、对全球神经内科领域发展的关切。

From June 24 to June 28, Prof. Bähr, Director of Neurology Department of University Medical Center Göttingen and a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina,   visited Jiangmen Wuyi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine again for a week-long visiting professorship. Together with Prof. ZHANG Ling, Party Secretary, Prof. ZHANG Guanghua, Hospital President, Prof. YU Shangzhen, Vice President, Prof. SHI Qing, Director of Neurology Department, and the team of Neurology, Prof. Bähr held a seminar on research for doctoral and postdoctoral students of all specialties in the hospital, gave an internal lecture on updates of multiple sclerosis within the Neurology Department, offered consultation for patients and internal clinical teaching for young physicians at the outpatient clinic for three days. In addition to exchanges on clinical expertise, guidance on research and internal lectures, Prof. Bähr gave a public lecture on talent cultivation on June 27,sharing his twenty-year experience and insights in recruiting, internal teaching and talent development as the Director of the department and a member of the university senate and university medical center board of directors. A wrap-up session was held on June 28 by the team of Neurology Department for Prof. Bähr’s two visits to Jiangmen Wuyi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In his summary, Prof. Bähr mentioned that comparing to his first visit in November, 2023, he has seen a great improvement in all aspects of the neurology team, especially the young doctors. During this week, he saw a general improvement in both skills in functional localization in the nervous system and image interpreting, which he had suggested the young doctors to strengthen during his last visit. The young doctors made elaborate preparations for case presentations, outpatient history taking and reporting, and were highly engaged in outpatient clinic and internal case discussions, showing great ambition and motivation of the young generation. Prof. Bähr highly acknowledged the development direction of the Department of Neurology led by Vice President YU Shangzhen and Director SHI Qing: To integrate traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine for clinical care, try to prove the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine with modern diagnostic equipment and experimental techniques for research, and send young and promising doctors abroad for fellowship or doctoral studies. Prof. Bähr has high expectations for Doctor CHEN Jianhua and hopes he will make the most of his time in Göttingen pursuing his doctorate, and further develop the clinical care, research and teaching of Jiangmen Wuyi Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine after he returns to China with his doctoral degree. Prof. YU Shangzhen emphasized that the team should learn more from Prof. Bähr not only in terms of clinical and research expertise, but also in terms of his noble medical ethics, care for young doctors, and concern for the development of the field of neurology worldwide.
