New Stage for Sino-Euro Cooperation on Ortho Trauma Speciality Development

2024-04-28 11:17:12 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 33



On April 8, 2024, amid the vibrant spring season, Dongguan Hospital of TCM embraced the launch of the second Visiting Professor Project in Ortho Trauma Specialties. Prof. Freude, President-Elect (2025) of the Austrian Society of Surgery and Head of the Clinic for Orthopedics and Traumatology, University Hospital of Salzburg, once again visited the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics in Dongguan Hospital of TCM. During the welcome ceremony, President DENG Weijun, Director LU Guoliang from the Ortho Trauma Wards, Director LIANG Haobiao from the Department of Traumatology, Director XIE Qingxiang from the Department of Foot and Ankle, as well as the backbone members of Trauma and orthopedic departments greeted Prof. Freude warmly for his second visit to the hospital and the department. President DENG Weijun briefed Prof. Freude on the development of the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics of the hospital in the past five months and introduced the new building to be completed as an Ortho-Trauma Center by the end of 2024. Through a series of visiting professor exchange projects, the Departments of Trauma and Orthopaedics in the hospital can align with the international leading standards of surgical treatment, coupled with the hospital's centuries-old legacy of Chinese medicine and bone-setting essence and become both distinctive and top-level specialties with modern medical trauma and orthopedics development. At the end of the welcome ceremony, Prof. Freude and the team of Director LIANG Haobiao immediately engaged themselves in exchanges on clinical practice. The inpatient cases at the moment amounted to 56, indicating a huge workload for the week but also a fruitful outcome of this exchange. Director LIANG shared a polytrauma case involving pelvic fractures, traumatic shock, and bladder rupture with Prof Freude. Then they discussed how they would select the approach and the sequence of reduction and reconstruction for such cases during surgeries. They reached a consensus on the management of the patient's bladder and urinary tract infections, which in this case, already affected the treatment of the pelvic fracture. As the population ages in China, trauma and fractures in the geriatric population will become more and more common, Prof. Freude has profound clinical experience in treating trauma and fractures in the geriatric population,and during his one-week visit to the hospital, he exchanged his knowledge and experience on the topic with Director LIANG, sharing how to prevent, diagnose and treat trauma and fractures in the geriatric population and how to take care of the patients in the postoperative stage. Later on, Prof. Freude together with Director LIANG and his team went to the ward to have a check-up on the targeted patients, and discussed about the following surgical treatment. In between one difficult case discussion, Prof. Freude noticed that there is an anatomic structure difference in the pelvis between Chinese people and Europeans, especially Germans, which is different in shape and thickness. He proposed to conduct a multi-centre double-blind controlled study with Director LIANG's team in this spot. He detailed that each of them can collect a certain number of cases for comparative study in their own centre, and the effective results obtained could be published in international journals. If this works, the research result would not only expected to contribute to the development of the scientific research programs of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dongguan Hospital (Dongguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) but may also provide important references for further studies of the treatment of pelvic fracture reduction in different ethnic groups and even the subsequent development of related implants.


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