Sino-German Trauma Masters Meet at Shenzhen Seceond People's Hospital

2024-04-23 11:52:03 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 39


4月15日上午,柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心行政院长、AO Trauma德国区主席、德国创伤外科学会2025年主席Stöckle教授抵达深圳市第二人民医院开启为期一周的客座教授访问。党委书记曾晖、副院长杨雷、大骨科主任王满宜、创伤骨科主任张胜利及创伤骨科团队成员为教授举行欢迎仪式并共同为中德创伤骨科交流中心揭牌。曾晖书记用流利的德语欢迎教授,王满宜教授全程用流利的英语与教授交流。Stöckle教授在欢迎仪式上介绍,柏林夏洛特大学综合医院创立至今已有超过310年的历史,连续多年在美国新闻周刊评选的全球百佳医院榜单中排名前五、在德国国内众多榜单排名第一。教授带领的肌肉骨骼外科中心创建于2003年,是德国规模最大的同类中心。下午Stöckle教授在创伤骨科以《肱骨近端骨折:切开复位内固定还是反肩置换》为题进行内部授课,辅以病例详细分析了两种术式的手术指征。随后创伤骨科团队与教授共同讨论明天需要进行手术的两例肱骨近端骨折及一例髌骨骨折病例。王满宜教授于1989年首次参加AO课程,于2015年至2018年任AO亚太区主席,此次客座教授活动不仅是两院之间的交流,更是AO教育理念在中国的进一步深化。Stöckle教授和王满宜教授都认可AO的意义是打造全球创伤外科医生网络,为医生提供更好的继续教育,促进本领域内的国际交流。Stöckle教授鼓励年轻医生在培养临床和科研技能的同时提升语言能力,积极通过AO等国际学会参加国际交流。

On the morning of April 15th, Prof. Stöckle, the Managing Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of Charité, President of AO Trauma Germany, and President-elect of the German Society for Trauma Surgery 2025, arrived at Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital for a week-long international visiting professorship. A welcome ceremony for Prof. Stöckle was held and attended by ZENG Hui, Secretary of the Party, YANG Lei, Vice President of the hospital, WANG Manyi, Director of Dept. Of Orthopedics, ZHANG Shengli, Director of Dept. Of Orthopedic Trauma, and the team of Orthopedic Trauma. Afterward, the two parties jointly moderated the inauguration of the “Sino-German Communication Center for Orthopedic Trauma”. Secretary ZENG welcomed Prof. Stöckle in good German, while Prof. WANG communicated with Prof. Stöckle in fluent English throughout the event. Prof. Stöckle introduced at the welcome ceremony that Charité – Berlin University Medicine, founded over 310 years ago, has been listed top five in the World’s 100 Best Hospitals by Newsweek for many years and top one in various rankings in Germany. The Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery (CMSC), led by Prof. Stöckle, was established in 2003 and is the largest musculoskeletal surgery center in Germany. In the afternoon, Prof. Stöckle delivered an internal lecture on the topic of “Proximal Humeral Fractures: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation VS. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty”, supplemented by a detailed analysis of surgical indications for these two surgical techniques with cases. The team of Orthopedic Trauma then discussed with Prof. Stöckle the two proximal humeral fracture cases and one patellar fracture case scheduled for surgery the following day. Prof. WANG attended the AO program for the first time in 1989 and served as the President of AO Trauma Asia Pacific from 2015 to 2018. This visiting professorship not only fosters communication between the two hospitals but also further deepens the AO’s educational concepts in China. Prof. Stöckle and Prof. WANG both recognize the significance of AO in building a global network for trauma surgeons, providing better continuing education for physicians, and promoting international exchanges in this field. Prof. Stöckle encourages young doctors to improve their language skills, while cultivating clinical and research skills, and to actively participate in academic exchanges through international organizations like AO.


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