Deepening of AO Concepts in China

2024-04-12 22:51:58 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 25


在全球疫情最严重的2020年3月,柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心行政院长、AO Trauma德国区主席Stöckle教授正式与我们合作。2021年,他先后两次与北京积水潭医院王满宜教授团队举行了中德创伤外科全球直播。2022年,他接收了来自武汉、重庆、佛山、贵阳的四位临床医学MD博士以及一位来自武汉中西医结合骨科医院的访问学者,并帮助其中两位符合条件的申请人获得了国家留学基金委CSC奖学金。他们均于2023年抵达柏林在Stöckle教授的指导下开始学习。2023年9月,在经过近24小时的长途旅行后,Stöckle教授在疫情后第一次受仁医医疗邀请访问中国三甲医院,在广州市第一人民医院进行了为期一周的客座教授访问。同年,他被任命为德国创伤外科学会2025年主席。2024年初,他接收了一位来自山西医科大学的临床医学MD博士以及一位来自南方医科大学顺德医院的访问学者,并在3月抽空为博士申请人准备了申请国家留学基金委CSC奖学金所需的材料。四年来,我们共通了近600封邮件,进行了30次内部视频会议。在博士生抵达德国前,他主动要求与我们每月进行一次内部视频会议,沟通各博士生的申请进度。博士生抵达德国后,他每周组织一次组会,要求各博士生汇报各自课题进展,并坚持每两周与我们进行一次视频会议讨论各合作项目进展。在每次会议中,他都高度认可我们选送的博士生的学习态度及取得的进展,尤其是来自武汉中西医结合骨科医院的王超群医生。王医生于2023年9月抵达柏林,在国家留学基金委员会的资助下开始了他的博士学习。正式注册为柏林夏洛特医科大学学生后,他积极参与科室的临床活动、德国国内的学术会议,在教授的要求和指导下大量阅读文献、学习英语,同时开始博士课题的工作。Stöckle教授夸赞半年多来王医生的英语取得了长足的进步,每次都能高质高效完成教授布置的任务。本周五Stöckle教授将从法兰克福直飞上海,并于4月15日起,联合深圳市第二人民医院大骨科主任、AO亚太区前任主席、中华医学会骨科分会创伤骨科学组名誉组长王满宜教授及深圳市第二人民医院创伤骨科主任张胜利教授开展为期一周的客座教授活动,此次活动将是AO诊疗及教育理念在中国的再次深化。

The cooperation between Gloryren and Prof. Stöckle, the Managing Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of Charité and President of AO Trauma Germany, officially started in March 2020, when the healthcare system worldwide was hit severely by the pandemic. In 2021, jointly with Prof. WANG Manyi’s team at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, he attended two Sino-German Global Webcast on Trauma Surgery. In 2022, he accepted 4 MD students from Wuhan, Chonqing, Foshan and Guiyang and 1 fellow from Wuhan Orthopaedics Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, two of which successfully got funding from the China Scholarship Council with great support from Prof. Stöckle. In September 2023, after a nearly 24-hour long journey, Prof. Stöckle visited China for the first time after the pandemic. He visited Guangzhou First People’s Hospital for one week as an international visiting professor. In the same year, he was elected as the President of German Society for Trauma Surgery 2025. In 2024, he accepted an MD student from Shanxi Medical University and a fellow from Shunde Hospital of Southern Medical University. During the last four years, we have exchanged nearly 600 emails and had 30 internal video conferences. Before the MD students arrived in Germany, Prof. Stöckle had a video conference per month with us to discuss the application status of each student. After they arrived in Germany, Prof. Stöckle called for group meeting every week with the MD students and a video conference with Gloryren every two weeks to discuss the progress of each project. Prof. Stöckle highly acknowledged the ambition and motivation of the MD students and the progress they’ve made during each video conference. He specifically commented the performance of WANG Chaoqun from Wuhan Orthopaedics Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. Wang arrived in Berlin in September 2023 and started his doctoral studies funded by China Scholarship Council. After officially enrolled as an MD student at Charité – Berlin University Medicine, Wang has been actively involved in daily clinical activities, national meetings, reading relevant literature, improving language proficiency, and started his doctoral project. Prof. Stöckle complimented Wang on the great progress he has made in English over the past seven months, and his capability to complete all the assignments with high quality and efficiency. Prof. Stöckle will take a direct flight from Frankfurt to Shanghai on coming Friday. Together with Prof. WANG Manyi, Director of Orthopedics of Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, past President of AO Asia Pacific, Honorary President of the Trauma Branch of Chinese Orthopedic Association, and Prof. ZHANG Shengli, Director of Orthopedic Trauma of Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital, Prof. Stöckle will carry out a one-week visiting professorship activity from April 15. The planned activity will further deepen the AO concept of treatment and education in China.


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