From Guangzhou to Munich(20)

2024-03-01 17:10:49 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 28


1月22日仁医医疗四人团队前往慕尼黑工业大学附属医院,拜访大骨科主任、2023年德国膝关节学会主席Eisenhart-Rothe教授。Rothe教授带领着一个超20名医生、经专业护理培训的医护、还有专门理疗人员组成的大骨科团队,医治成年人与儿童的肌肉骨骼各类疾病和骨肿瘤疾病,年门诊8900 多例、住院1800 多例,病床44张。其中他领导的内假体中心(EndoTUM,已完成1000台内假体手术)与肌肉骨骼肿瘤中心(MSTZ)/肉瘤中心都是德国领先的疾病中心。我们走进医院,只见走廊上悬挂着的医院历史海报马上映入眼帘,这是一家拥有悠久学术底蕴和建院历史的非凡医院,1834年开始建院,190年来不断发展壮大成为享誉国际,学术排名位居世界前列的著名大学附属医院,为地区乃至国际的医护和医学科研做出卓越贡献,因此,该医院一直跻身德国顶级医疗机构之列,培养出众多技术精湛,研究成果丰富的人才。为了这次会面,Rothe教授还特地安排秘书下来导诊台接我到门诊部,亲自为我们准备茶饮。他亲切与我讨论2024年工作安排。Rothe教授今年七月将会到访东莞市中医院进行客座教授工作一周,他将跟中国医院关节外科团队进行临床和科研的深入交流,他还会在今年召收一位来自中国三甲医院的优秀医生,成为他第一个临床医学MD博士。Rothe教授会亲自为他准备中国留学基金委CSC奖学金材料。

On January 22nd, the team of four from Gloryren went to the Rechts der Isar Clinic of the Technical University of Munich(TUM) to visit the Director of the Department of Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics, Prof. von Eisenhart-Rothe, who is also the President of the German Knee Society(DKG) in 2023. Prof. von Eisenhart-Rothe leads a large orthopedics team which consists of over 20 doctors, medical staff with professional nursing training, and specialized physiotherapists. His department is responsible for treating various musculoskeletal disorders and bone tumor diseases in adults and children. Annually, they’ve received over 8900 outpatient cases, and over 1800 inpatient cases. And they have 44 beds to meet these needs. The EndoTUM he leads, which has performed 1000 prosthesis replacement, and also the Musculoskeletal Tumor Center/Sarcoma Center (MSTZ), are leading disease centers in Germany. As we walked into the hospital, we were greeted with the hospital’s historical poster hanging on the wall of the hallway. The Rechts der Isar Clinic is an extraordinary hospital with a rich academic foundation and a long history. It was founded in 1834. With the development of over 190 years, it has become a renowned university hospital with international prestige and high academic ranking in the world. It has made great contributions to local and international healthcare systems and to scientific research for medicine. Therefore, this hospital has always been among the top medical institutions in Germany and has cultivated abundant talents with expertise and rich research results. For this meeting, the secretary of Prof. von Eisenhart-Rothe specially came to welcome us at the consultation desk, led us to the Outpatient Department, and prepared us refreshments. He kindly discussed with me the work arrangements for 2024. In July 2024, Prof. von Eisenhart-Rothe will visit the Dongguan TCM Hospital as visiting professor for one week. He will have in-depth exchanges in terms of clinical practices and scientific research with the Joint Surgery team from Chinese hospitals. This year, he will receive a promising doctor from the Grade Three Class A hospital as his first MD student from China. Prof. von Eisenhart-Rothe will fully support him in preparing the materials for applying for the CSC Scholarship.


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