
2024-02-22 10:49:47 广州仁医医疗 59


2月2日上午我们来到了亚琛工业大学附属医院,医院的设计光怪陆离,是现代工业风,这绝对是世界上最非比寻常的医院。门口有一个大型直升机停机坪,该院有联邦德国国家级创伤中心。目前该院大骨科主任Hildebrand 教授是欧洲创伤急救外科学会主席,也将成为2026年德国创伤外科学会主席。他专门让他妻子到医院办公室接待我们,还为我们四人准备了精美礼物和茶点。我们一边喝着咖啡,一边与Hildebrand 教授讨论今年工作安排。教授今年9月将到深圳市第二人民医院担任国际客座教授工作。去年来自贵阳的李医生和郑州的杨医生已开始了他们在亚琛的临床医学MD博士的学习。2023年他们两人都获得了国家留学基金委CSC奖学金支持。广州的车医生和昆明的王医生今年将成为教授的第二批临床医学MD博士。大骨科的科研主任Balmayor教授也在Hildebrand教授邀请下来到教授办公室参加我们的闭门会议。仁医医疗团队与亚琛工业大学附属医院大骨科的两位临床和科研主任直接沟通临床和科研的诸多工作细节。去年9月Hildebrand 教授在中国郑州市骨科医院创伤外科的工作每一天都流光溢彩。每天一大群人围着他,热闹非凡。教授认为在哪儿都是工作,但在中国工作的每一天,他就是电影里的男一号,他能用他的技术找到人生的价值。每一天都如此特别,这就是他想要的人生故事。

On the morning of February 2nd, we arrived at the University Hospital Aachen (UKA). The hospital is so special in its modern industrial style of design, making it one of the most extraordinary hospitals in the world.  At the front door of the hospital, there is a large helipad. The hospital has a national trauma center. At present, the Director of the Department for Orthopedic, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery of the hospital, Prof. Hildebrand, is the President of the European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES). And he will be the President of the German Trauma Society (DGU) in 2026. His wife specially came to the hospital to meet us and prepared us some nice gifts and refreshments. We drank coffee and discussed with Prof. Hildebrand his work arrangement for 2024.  In September 2024, Prof. Hildebrand will visit the Shenzhen Second People's Hospital as a visiting professor. Doctor Li from Guiyang and Doctor Yang from Zhengzhou have started their studies for MD degree at the University Hospital Aachen since last year in 2023. In the same year, they both received the scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) . Doctor Che from Guangzhou and Doctor Wang from Kunming will be the MD students of Prof. Hildebrand for the year of 2024. Prof. Balmayor, Head of the Department of Experimental Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery of the Department for Orthopedic, Trauma, and Reconstructive Surgery of the hospital, was also invited by Prof. Hildebrand to join us for the meeting.  The team of Gloryren had detailed discussions with them. In September 2023, every working day of Prof. Hildebrand in Zhengzhou Orthopaedics Hospital was so meaningful and wonderful. He was incredibly busy and was surrounded by many medical colleagues. Prof. Hildebrand believed that work can be done everywhere. But working in China, he was so welcomed as if he was a leading actor in a movie. He could find the value of life by passing on his experience to them. Every day is so special for him. And the work he has done is the life story he wants to tell. 
