
2024-02-09 16:45:26 广州仁医医疗 74


2月4日晚上,我们在德国陶努斯山脉的克伦贝格城堡举行了别有风味的晚宴。欢迎我们在德国的珍贵朋友。这座19世纪城堡曾是德国弗里德里希皇后的寝宮。城堡内有Rubens和Titian 等著名画家的真迹。不少当年的壁画、挂毯、名人画像及古董家具都被很好地保留了下来。古堡本身就像是一个中世纪艺术馆。古堡内一个复式套房让我免费入住。它是维多利亚的装饰风格,里面居然还有一个小小的密室。卧室的窗户对着整片的森林,多像电影里的布景。昨晚是主厨晚宴,共计4道菜,品了一款餐前酒和两款红酒。女士有一款特别柠檬蛋白饮品。壁炉在傍晚时分就点燃了炉火,非常温暖而舒适。男士们穿着西装或巴伐利亚的传统服饰。女士穿着裙子。我们化着淡妆,我穿着一件粉色的真丝牡丹旗袍。下午所有人都到森林里去散步了,我在阁楼上打电话,处理广州的工作。这是我第3次来到这个城堡入住。今晚我们德国的好朋友们都开车几百公里来到这里。4年零4个月,经历了疫情,经历了千辛万苦,经历了人情冷暖,我爬了一山又一山,我过了一关又一关。我们团队翻山越岭才走到了今天。所以我们可以再度重逢。过了今晚,我们就要回家了。南方新年,尽是温暖,愿常欢笑。窗门尽开,迎接明日春风。忽闻森林虫鸣一片。愿我们的祖国繁荣富强,愿中国医疗2024更好,愿仁医医疗岁岁平安年年繁花。

On the evening of February 4th, we hosted a wonderful dinner in the Schlosshotel Kronberg which seats in the Taunus Mountains to welcome our precious friends in Germany. This schlosshotel was once the residence of Empress Victoria Friedrich of Germany in the 19th century. The castle harbors authentic works by famous painters such as Rubens and Titian. The castle is a medieval art gallery with frescoes, tapestries, portraits and antique furniture from the period. The castle offered a free duplex suite for my stay. The suite is decorated in Victorian style and even has a small chamber. In front of the window unfolds the whole forest, much alive like a set from a film. The dinner was prepared by the chef with four courses in total, and we had a taste of one aperitif and two red wines.There was a special egg white lemon drink for ladies. At nightfall, the fire was lit in the fireplace, generating warmth and comfort. All the gentlemen were in tailored suits or traditional costumes of Bavaria. And the ladies were in dress. We wore light makeup and I was wearing a pink silk qipao with peonies on it. In the afternoon, everyone except me went for a walk in the forest. I was making business calls to deal with work in Guangzhou. It was my third visit to this schlosshotel. Our friends in Germany drove several hundred kilometers to here for this special night. For these four years and four months, I’ve been through the pandemic of coronavirus, numerous hardships, and ups and downs with other people. I’ve climbed over hill after hill. I’ve passed barrier after barrier. Our team has surmounted so many obstacles and difficulties to get where we are now. That’s why we can meet our friends again in Germany. After tonight, we are about to go home. The New Year in Southern China is always warm and full of hope and joy. All the windows and doors will open to embrace the spring breeze of a new day. As I wrote this, there was a sudden chirp from the forest. All I wish is a more prosperous China and a better Gloryren in 2024. May Gloryren be in good condition and of prosperity year after year.
