Sino-German International Specialty Construction Webinar on Sports Orthopedics

2024-01-12 15:59:15 Guangzhou Gloryren Medical Technology Co., Ltd 20


2023年4月21日下午,河南省直第三人民医院医学运动科携手仁医医疗成功召开中德国际医院运动医学学科建设视频会。本次管理大会的圆满落幕离不开河南省直第三人民医院曹晓强院长、河南省直第三人民医院骨科沙宇主任全力支持。在本次中德运动医学学科建设视频会中,德国Schön Klinik 医院集团哈拉兴骨科医院创始院长Michael Mayer教授借由题为<(德国)运动医学的定义、内容、组织形式与实践和科研>课程,为河南省直第三人民医院医学运动科传经送宝。Mayer教授的讲课涵盖运动医学建科与进行高水平学科发展重要要素,为该院的医学运动发展指点迷津,也就实际操作上如何接诊专业运动员以及一般运动损伤病人进行关键指示。随后,该院医学运动科陈少轮主任带领的医学运动团队向Mayer教授围绕河南省直三院首创概念“中国医学运动”和体医融合概念进行主题汇报,重点介绍了该院医学运动科的发展概况,并与Mayer教授探讨学科发展的重点。Mayer教授此次授课对河南省直三院医学运动的发展具有极强的指导价值,同时,河南省直第三人民医院医学运动科被评选为河南省重点培育专科,希望能借此中德运动医学管理会议良机,继续深入进行学科发展,成为国内运动医学独树一帜的明日之星。

In the afternoon of April 21, 2023, the Medical Exercising Department of the Henan No. 3 Provincial People's Hospital partnered with Gloryren to hold the Sino-German International Specialty Construction Webinar on Sports Medicine with great success.

It would not have been possible to bring this webinar to a successful closure without the full support of President CAO Xiaoqiang and Director SHA Yu of the Orthopedic Department of the Henan No. 3 Provincial People's Hospital. In this webinar, Prof. Michael Mayer, Former Medical Director of Schön Klinik Munich Harlaching, delivered a lecture entitled "Sports Medicine (in Germany) - Definition - Contents - Organization - Practice - Science" and offered valuable insights into the specialty construction to the Medical Exercising Department of the hospital.

Prof. Mayer's lecture covered essential aspects in the construction of a Sports Medicine department and the development of a high-level specialty, and provided guidance on the development of Medical Exercising Department of the hospital, along with key instructions on how to treat professional athletes and patients with general sports injuries in practice. Afterwards, the Medical Exercising team led by CHEN Shaolun, Head of the Medical Exercising Department, gave a report to Prof. Mayer on the concept of "Chinese Medical Exercising", which is the first of its kind offered by Henan No. 3 Provincial People's Hospital, and the concept of integration of Sports and Medicine and had a discussion with Prof. Mayer on the construction and development of the specialty.

Prof. Mayer's lecture is highly relevant to the Medical Exercising development of the Henan No. 3 Provincial People's Hospital. Also, the Medical Exercising Department of the Hospital has been nominated as a key cultivation specialty in Henan Province, and great expectations are given that the department will deepen their specialty cultivation with experiences learnt from this Sino-German International Specialty Construction Webinar on Sports Medicine and rise to be a prominent brand of Sports Medicine in China.


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