Prof. Dr. med. Michael Winking,Director of Spine Center Osnabrueck

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Work Experience:

• Since 2004 Director of Spine Center Osnabrueck

• Since 2004 Associated Professor for Neurosurgery: Justus-Liebig University Giessen

• 2000-2004 Chief Consultant: Center for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Justus-Liebig University Giessen

Scientific Career:

• Orphan Drug Designation for approval of a drug at the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) in London (Designation granted on 11.09.

• Patent application COX-2 inhibitor for tumor treatment (German patent office, Munich)

• Steering Committee, NOA-O4 study of the Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (DKG)


• 1997 Muenster, Katrin-Krause-Award for Tumor Treatment

• 1996 Munich, Rudolf-Fritz-Weiss-Award of the Pharmaceutical Society

• 1995 Tönnis-Grant of the German Neurosurgical Society

• 1994 Paris, European School of Oncology Award


• 2018 Member SSCoE

• 2018 Chairman of the German professional association for spine surgeons

• 2017 Past-President German Spine Society

• 2016 President German Spine Society

• 2015 Vice-President German Spine Society

• German Cancer Society

HOTLINE: 020-8928-7873 Hospital-centered and detail-oriented.
