Prof. Dr. med. Stefano Boriani,Director of Spinal Teaching Program and Head of Spine Tumor Surgery of the GSpine4 Spine Surgery Division IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi Milan (I)

2020-04-09 15:49:48 500

Brief Introduction:

Since 1978, Stefano Boriani had been working as an attending surgeon at Rizzoli Institute in Bologna (I) until 1988, then took over the sub-unit of Oncologic Spine Surgery in the Department of Bone Tumor Surgery as an associate chief physician until 1996. Then charged as Head of the Department of Spine Surgery at Istituto Santa Corona di Pietra Ligure (SV) from April 22nd to September 21st, 1996. He had been working as Head of the Department of Spine Tumor and Degenerative Spine Surgery at Rizzoli Institute in Bologna since September 6th 2009. Currently, he is Director of Spinal Teaching Program and Head of Spine Tumor Surgery of the GSpine4 Spine Surgery Unit.


Major contributions to surgical and scientific interest concerns diagnosis and treatment of spine tumors worldwide recognized are:

• The original staging systems for primary tumors, well known as WBB presented in 1996 and now applied by most spine oncologic surgeons.

• Research and publications of surgical protocol for primary spine tumor.

• Original techniques for primary spine tumor excision.



• 2006-2009: Co-chairman of spine surgery research group

• 2005-2009: Chairman of AO Spine Italian Council

• Past Chairman of the AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor and actually Member of the Steering Committee

• Honorary Member of the Spine Societies of Hungary

• Honorary Member of the Spine Societies of Israel

HOTLINE: 020-8928-7873 Hospital-centered and detail-oriented.
