Prof. Dr. med. Heinz-Michael Mayer,Founding President of German Spine Society,Former President of EUROSPINE

2020-09-25 18:08:22 2055


Prof. Dr. Michael Mayer was Head of Spine Center Munich at Schön Klinik München Harlaching and serves as Professor for Neurosurgery at Salzburg Paracelsus Medical School. He did many operation for high-ranked national and international celebrities, economic leaders, royal dynasties and politicians, among them Michail Gorbachev and the 4th president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak. Since 1998, he holds the position of Head of Spine Center at Schoen Klinik Munich Harlaching and medical expert at the klinik. In 2006, he was chairman of Spine Society of Europe and German Spine Society. In 2007, the medical center of Schoen Klinik Munich Harlaching was recognized as FIFA Medical Center of Excellence. He has 9 Edited/ Co-edited Books. Besides, he is the editorial board member of Global Spine Journal. His clinical research focuses on minimally invasive spine surgery, spinal surgery on athletes, footballers lower back pain, cervical disc replacement, computer-assisted surgery, spinal arthroplasty, etc.


• 2010-2014 Board Member AO Spine Europe

• 2009 Honorary Member South African Spine Society

• Since 2007 Head: FIFA Medical Center of Excellence

• 2006 President of German Spine Society

• 2006 President of Spine Society of Europe

• 2005 Professor of Neurosurgery Paracelsus Medical School Salzburg

• 2004-2014 Member AO Technical Commission Spine

• 2001 Founding Member SAS and Congress Chairman SAS I Munich 2001

• Founding Member of The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS)

• Founding President of German Spine Society

Visiting professorships:

• Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) New York City, USA

• Ain Shams University Kairo, Egypt

Scientific Awards:

• 2014 - Award for best presentation at the annual Meeting of the International Society for the study of the lumbar spine, Seoul, Korea

• 2013 - TK Innovation Prize of the AO Foundation, Lima, Peru

• 1989 - Award to Young Neurosurgeons World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) New Delhi, India

• 1989 - Award for the best Presentation; 2nd Annual Meeting, International Intradiscal Therapy Society (IITS), Orlando, Florida, USA

• 1986 - "Lindemann - Kuhlendahl - Award" German Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology(DGOT), Erlangen


Bibliography (as of 2017):

•  93 Peer reviewed original papers;

•  86 Book Chapters;20 Review Articles;

•  9 Edited/ Co-edited Books ;

•  < 900 Scientific Lectures;

•  8 Scientific Videos;

•  20 Supervised and guided MD Thesis

HOTLINE: 020-8928-7873 Hospital-centered and detail-oriented.
