第三届中欧国际骨科高峰会(SEOS 2023)

2023-07-31 15:06:05 广州仁医医疗 71


第三届中欧国际骨科高峰会(SEOS 2023)将于9月11日至22日在中国广州、深圳、东莞、佛山、郑州5大城市8家医院盛大开幕。世界脊柱肿瘤第一人、博洛尼亚里佐利骨科研究所脊柱肿瘤与退行性脊柱外科前主任、首席顾问Boriani教授访问东莞市人民医院,柏林夏洛特大学综合医院肌肉骨骼外科中心行政院长、AO Trauma德国区主席Stoeckle教授访问广州市第一人民医院,德国瓦尔曼斯泰因骨科医院前任院长、小儿骨科主任、小儿运动医学科主任Leidinger教授访问汕头大学广州华新骨科医院,德国足踝协会主席,汉诺威医学院附属骨科医院足踝外科主任Stukenborg-Colsman教授访问佛山市中医院,2022北京冬残奥会德国国家队首席医疗官、哥廷根大学医疗中心骨科、创伤外科与整形外科高级顾问Stinus教授访问东莞市中医院,Paracelsus医院集团朗根哈根医院院长、Paracelsus医院集团董事Siebert教授访问河南省直第三人民医院,亚琛工业大学附属医院骨科、创伤外科与重建外科主任、欧洲创伤急救外科学会主席Hildebrand教授访问郑州市骨科医院,慕尼黑大学附属医院骨科副主任Mueller教授访问东莞市中医院,慕尼黑大学附属医院骨肿瘤科主任Duerr教授访问深圳市第二人民医院。他们将在疫情后的第一个9月在中国8家医院开展门诊,查房,病例讨论,手术指导,科室管理培训以及大师公开课等为期一周的国际客座教授活动。其中我们将会精选三场手术进行全球直播:9月13日Boriani教授将在东莞市人民医院骨三科进行手术直播,9月15日Leidinger教授将在汕头大学广州华新骨科医院小儿骨科进行手术直播,9月22日Hildebrand教授将在郑州市骨科医院创伤骨科进行手术直播,我们将会为以上手术进行双声道同声传译全球直播。

The Third Sino-Euro International Orthopedics Summit (SEOS 2023) will be grandly held in 8 hospitals in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhengzhou in China from September 11 to September 22. Prof. Boriani, a World-class Spine Tumor Master, Past-Chairman of the Unit of Oncologic and Degenerative Spine and Scientific Advisor at IRCCS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute is visiting Dongguan People’s Hospital. Prof. Stoeckle, the Managing Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery of Charité and President of AO Trauma Germany is visiting Guangzhou First People’s Hospital. Dr. Leidinger, the Former President, Chief of pediatric orthopaedics and sports medicine of Orthopaedic Hospital Volmarstein is visiting Shantou University Guangzhou Huaxin Orthopedic Hospital. Prof. Stukenborg-Colsman, The President of German Foot and Ankle Society (DAF), and Chief of Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery at Hannover Medical School – Diakovere Annastift is visiting Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Stinus, Chief Medical Officer of German National Team of Winter Paralympics 2022 and the Senior Consultant of Trauma Surgery, Orthopaedics, and Plastic Surgery of University Medical Center of Goettingen is visiting Dongguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Prof. Siebert, Member of the Board of Paracelsus Hospital Cooperation and Medical Director, Paracelsus - Klinik Langenhagen is visiting the Third People’s Hospital of Henan Province. Prof. Hildebrand, Clinic Director of Clinic for Orthopaedics, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery of University Medical Center, RWTH Aachen and President of European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery is visiting Zhengzhou Orthopedics Hospital. Prof. Mueller, Deputy Clinic Director of Orthopaedics of Musculoskeletal University Center Munich of University Hospital of Munich is visiting Dongguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Prof. Duerr, the Head of Orthopedic Oncology of Musculoskeletal University Center Munich of University Hospital of Munich is visiting Shenzhen Second people’s Hospital. In the first September after the pandemic. They will visit 8 hospitals in China as a visiting professor, attending outpatient consultation, ward rounds, case discussion, offering guidance during operations, giving lectures on managing departments and on academic presentations. Three important operations will be globally live broadcast, respectively on Sept. 13 by Prof. Boriani and the team from the Department of Orthopedics Third District of Dongguan People’s Hospital, on Sept. 15 by Dr. Leidinger and the team from Pediatric Orthopedics of Shantou University Guangzhou Huaxin Orthopedic Hospital, and of Sept. 22 by Prof. Hildebrand and team from Orthopedic Trauma of Zhengzhou Orthopedics Hospital. All of these three operations will be globally live broadcast with simultaneous translation.

